baker. you got it solved? so? this is work. look at those assholes. if the vermeer were lying on that table, they'd toss their doughnuts on it. which is why you're on this. that's not possib. the windows are wired, too. the pane weighs 200 pounds, the building's 1100 feet high. popping the frame would trigger the alarm. you said. this particular guy. why not houdini? or pretty boy floyd? maybe jesus christ. he's been out of the business. for ten years. why? because of the bozo switch? guys have been copying his pack- rat signature for decades. maybe the thief wanted it to look like macdougal. no vermeer. nothing close. oh, i get it. he has no interest in vermeers, so that proves he stole one. by that logic, he oughta be a suspect most of the time. so he was there. but you know better. and you did all this since 4:30 this morning. baker, this is an extremely dangerous g. you want to explain th. you're fucking him, aren't you? you're over your head, baker. okay, it's your funeral. next time i see you, i owe you a spanking. while you're on secure, do you want a transfer?