something of a habit? you know the alleged value of this piece from some fucking computer, which has no clue of the price i can turn the scroll around for in 30 minutes. are you a confederate of my adversaries? or are you just stupid. virginia romay. or a cheap cocktail. i'm supposed to be selective. art and antiquities acquisition advisor, how alliterative. and am i the antiquity? you said. everything. excuse me. well, they don't. as a rule. no, you can't. only it's not bloody football! it's just that crap americans call 'football', like you could call your ass a butterscotch scone and have it be one! why you'd want to bring that foolishness to japan, you're just pissing your investment down a bungee hole. seriously, put the money into pharmaceuticals or prostitution, something stable. garbage, perhaps. or industrial plastics. my favorite thing in life. coincidence. staying here, as well. you are in room? will you send a half-bottle of chateau d'yquem '67 to room 138, please? and some berries and chocolates for the lady to enjoy it with. actually, i was just across the room, dickering with a gentleman over the purchase of an interesting spitzweg. until i determined the painting was apparently stolen. goes against my grain. the dekooning in your slide, the 4.6 million you can get for 3. can you get it for 2 and a half? my checkbook is in my safe. you wait here. just want to see if i'm with the person you say you are. can't be too caref. these are my papers, passport, car registration. if the police arri. that's actually. very sweet. my god, more females? eighteen, actually. the leg is fine, but i got sort of. woozy. lost my stomach once or twice. i'm an old man. you probably noticed. you should see me without my teeth. ah. mustn't forget to zip up. odd place, this. what do you suppose they make here? video recorders? bad investment. the best ones are here today. gone tomor. you can't get it for me at 2.5, can you? you were setting me up. the correct price is 2.8. you conspire with the seller to start at 4.6, so i'll be grateful when you 'bargain' him down to three. close enough to fool some people. unfortunately. i'm old. i know what everything is worth. i am going to the airport. you are going on to the rest of your life. which. should be interesting. the hotels deal with that. the things i need are always waiting at the next one. i don't carry. baggage. oh, that's highly personal. young lady. i am old enough to be your grandfather. a reward for what? you mean. not as old as i look. what's hard to find. is someone you truly want to be with. even for awhile. would that make it more stolen? something you need? there are all-night chemists. ah. maybe the thief thought you had something valuable in there. well. wannabe dealers make excellent fences. i'm joking, of course. the vermeer wouldn't fit. why, did you do something wrong? the most famous painting stolen this week. if you don't keep up on your craft. you'll miss all the jokes. i'm so glad i didn't leave tokyo. there was a call. while you were sleeping. an art dealer i know. he has a monet. minor, but it is giverny. he'll let me have it for 5.3 million. i'd like you to go down there, and pick up the painting. if that's all right. if i'm there, he'll haggle. you just hand him the debit card, with that. luminous smile. and say, take it or leave it. oh, dear. i thought you so wanted to make a good impression. and along with making an excellent impression. you will also make 2 percent of the purchase price. that's $92,000. and change. for two hours work. any problems. just give me a ring. of course not. if it was. i wouldn't pay more than three. you got it? turn it over. is there an envelope? taped to the back? in a ziploc bag? detach the bag. read what's in it. aloud. papers back in the envelope, envelope back in the ziploc, very quickly, without seeming to hurry. now take the debit card from your purse, slipping the ziploc into the purse as you do it, shielding the move from everyone in the room but okati. while he's checking, look around the room casually, as if searching for the cheesy handbags. all the while laughing, as if you are chatting with someone you actually like. as you're looking around, do you notice any m. call out cheerily to okati, in english, 'where's the toilet?' wing it. get going. now. you've got what we bought, are you out of their sight? run into the men's toilet. i know you know how. jump. the window, twit! are you pissed off? just as soon as i'm ready! dry clothes, you'll need them. in five minutes. i won't look. gentleman's word of hon. i've seen you naked. give the boys a thrill. you probably won't be dating any of them, so what the hell. found 'em in your room. perhaps the thief wasn't your size. we have a business appointment. in four minutes. and now that i've told you. i'll have to kill you. or. you can spend the most interesting three weeks of your life. training. followed by the most exciting night of your life. after which, you can walk away with 20 million untraceable dollars. which will come in handy. things being what they are. from now on. you can valet park. last night, at fujitsu, i did some business. while you thought i was in the toilet. thirty-five super-microchips. each worth one million dollars. and change. i stole your suitcase when i left you at the bar. i have since sent it on to the states, with three chips, well hidden. since you aren't there to claim it, the bag will sit at customs. safe. unless. they receive. an anonymous. tip. no, entrapment is what cops do to robbers. blackmail. is what robbers do to schmucks. pop quiz. admit it's a rush. the best day of your heretofore drab life. banquo macduff. this is my associate-fiancee, ms. duncan. i'm a scot. it's a different country. culturally and historically. wine. the bloody japs bought up half the premium clarets in the universe. you may have heard. i'm in charge of shipping some 14,000 bottles, most quite rare, to a number of premium hotels in hong kong, bangkok, singapore, phuket, and penang. all of which are destinations on your october voyage. five months from now. however. wine. doesn't prefer. to be jostled. adequate. i suppose. did we see. a bathing pool. on deck? mildly. interesting. adequate. i suppose. anything sooner? that goes perhaps from. say, sri lanka? to jakarta. you seem depressed. because. you're a greedy girl. there is no wine. that just bought us a look at their security. what we want is on the boat in three weeks. now can we jump? we're nearing the targ. how do i know who you are, hmmn? for all i know, your name isn't virginia romay. maybe you're a cop. one. two. consistent. and rather impressive. all right, six and seven. three and four. a chalet, i think. or an outhouse. forty seconds. this time, when you raise your arm. don't breathe. very, very nice. had a tour with the mosad, did you? oh, it doesn't. but one never knows. you might need it with me. but you will, you'll get it all. you are actually. quite remarkable. take the rest of the evening off. i'm relieved to hear you have some. what's amazing, is that only eleven workers died during construction of this thing. of course, the others were saved by a safety net. call it a lapse. oh, it doesn't. we came for the view. to ginger baker. and you get sentimental for him. every time you order drugs. i could listen to you lie all night. do you like diamonds? you asked. does the machine. make gold. gold is shit. it's six thousand dollars a pound. worth your weight in gold? that would put you at seven hundred thousand. when the light hits you just right. i'd pay more. gem quality. first ever. god save japan. a diamond reactor takes graphite, runs it through a combination of lasers, electron beams, and scanning- tunnel mg microscopes. this one uses krypton-fluorine laser, with a new isotope of krypton. the atoms are rearranged. and the molecule of graphite becoznes a molecule of. of course. we had booked suite 9. down there. ten o'clock. changed my mind. there's nothing on the instruments downrange. the longer she flies before she ditches, the less chance they notice on the bridge. you should lose the oxygen tank at 8000 feet. i hate a crybaby. it's over, it's over. catch your breath, quickly. hang on for the wake. hold tight! if i were you, i'd watch the desserts. too long ago to remember. yes, you would. you're a girl. anytime you're ready. better angle. you might want to move aside. may i trouble you for the torch? or would you rather just dance. coal into diamonds. a wealth machine. hmmn? why would i bother? let's get one thing straight. i don't work with partners much, because basically, i find most people to be idiots. you, in contrast, are first-rate. and if i think so. maybe you should start thinking the same. now move your ass. gps transponder. sends a scrambled signal by satellite. precise coordinates. you could find a golf ball in the gobi desert. finish up on the floaters. over these engines? through five feet of steel? hell, if they do, they don't have the second key to get in. thank god for redundant security. jump, for god's sa. you did activate the floaters. i did say, 'finish up on the floaters'. surely, you heard me. excuse me? i like a quick study. no matter how many stones we make, the diamonds are just an appetizer. my contract. with debeers. sensible folks, debeers. a world monopoly in diamonds based on one simple principle. something's only priceless if it's scarce. these guys dig up all the diamonds on the planet, just to keep them out of circulation. otherwise, you could buy 'em at the five and dime. imagine the chaos we could cause. we're sort of bounty hunters. our machine is worth far more dead. than alive. promise you an interesting time. or my name's not banquo macduff. well, i would ask what you're doing with the rest of your life. but that's your own bloody affair, isn't it? not here. it only looks dangerous. you couldn't fall off. unless someone threw you over. more intimate. for a confession. what business. you are actually. in. of course not. you're a cop. an insurance investigator for webber assurance, your boss is an idiot named hector cruz, you've been there four years and ten months, you're quite the rising star. why n. ever. is such a long time. and it's worth? how much in shillings? and i tried so hard to hide that. one moment in time, you s. don't be so hard on yourself. it's your plan, you should take at least thirty perc. 50-50. or you can swim to taipei. what are you gonna do with six billion dollars that you can't do with four? your share is 50%. and one dollar. you didn't even see wha. no surprise. you look beautiful doing it. rather steal it. no. if memory serves. ginny? good morning. quite a parting gift. i would have settled for roses. ah. american culture. well, that is a joke. is it easier now? not pretending. not pretending you're an innocent. not pretending you. like me. here's a tip from an old-timer. never forget who you are. it gives you someone to be. when you stop pretending. seems like overkill. for one simple jump. we've missed the train, yeh. the bones? the scan? an oversight. i'm too old for this shit! we agreed. no underwear. i'd lose the underwear. what makes this one so valuable? when you're old, you can do anything get lonely? sure, all the time. it's healthy. what's unhealthy. is denial. why, ginger. this is so sudden. you're in charge of ego and worrying. i'm in charge of keeping you alive. these are plasma jet. all the force is directed forward, instead of dissipating in a sphere like a grenade. you don't trust me, you won't get through this. try to adjust to that for three more days. after july 1. you'll never have to trust again. something. to look forward to. i can do this. what kind of a country is this? in britain, a man can try on lingerie without compromising his dignity! i like this. not being told what the fuck we're doing. remain in control. which is a sign of weakness. i like that, too. please. mr. macdougal will do. my sentiments exactly. colonel. you are touching the woman i love. from time to time. sure, i'll take a case. ah. how much was the minister told the raid would cost? which you can now keep. like a woman. of mystery. glad i have a function, here. and his retinal plate is in there. our trade for the great train robbery. all right, let's say we're in the door. now what? modest. and you've set up a laundry. you're forgiven. but those first instructions, transferring the 8 billion dollars. they're recorded in the main computer. dearest. the accounts won't reconcile. the money. is still. missing. the shit doesn't splatter. until the first account runs dry. i was hoping there'd be one. it does sound like the beginning of a beautiful friendship. pity it will be over. in 21 hours. no, ma'am. only the best of them. nice of the colonel to provide an invitation. long as i don't have to have sex with him. so all that time, sitting at your computers. all the research, the access codes your job allowed you to steal, floor plans, schematics. setting up all your bank accounts. years of work, comes down to. . six minutes. don't be nervous. easy come, easy go. your share prob'ly works out to, what? dollar and a quarter an hour? the dedication, the skill, the guts. i'm going to see you get everything you deserve. woman. if you can't have fun, right now. you're in the wrong business. so let's see. across town at the british consulate. everyone is working frantically to complete transactions before they go off-line at midnight. then, deep in the high-tech bowels of the bank of china building, just across the square. the chinese are sitting on their thumbs, waiting to come on-line at midnight. i feel for these boys. let's give them a breather, hmmn? we'll let the brits go off-line 4 seconds early. and we'll give our new chinese overlords 4 extra seconds of rest before they have to go on-line. playing god here, ginger. we've created 8 seconds that do not exist, anywhere but in this room. 8 seconds, where no one is on-line but your little cd-rom. and when, eventually, everyone discovers what transaction xj6 was really about. they'll each be positive. the other guy. did it. liable to be an ugly international incident. baby girl. nothing. is bulletproof. ever. britain goes bye-bye in 6. feel like a nightcap? relax, don't jam it. don't panic, now, there's no rush. easy with that, there's no ru. the disc. is still in there. was wondering where to leave this. time they find out. down? i never liked down. you can do this. well. something to be said for being self-aware. may i have the last grenade, dear. it's about to rain. you see, banking will be more democratic under china. well. no more glass ceiling. how refreshing. the night air. you can. if i say so. if you stay. you'll have to pay for the damage. now that split. did we say 60-40? got the keys? they fix those things so you can't steal them. these, they're not so worried. go grab that hook. let me rephrase that. run and grab that hook. or die. this only works if you shut your eyes. of course not. now close baby eyes. suit yourself. let go now!! planning. and dumb luck. you ran your calls. why? the cd erased the trans- actions, all accounts seem in order. it looks like the thieves were stopped in time. except it never is, really. quite. over. you're not going back to mr. cruz, and the nine-to-five? well. you want to watch those pennies. you know, for a bitch. you can be awfully sweet. you know, all night i've been wrestling with something. i've changed your travel plans. instead of taking the subway to the airport, you change at jordan station for kowloon tong. got that? jordan is only 90 seconds up the line. like a wire transfer, you're gone. vanished. in this bag are passports, tickets, papers. an amber wig, a good one. a dress you can slip on in five seconds. you're on a tight connection to the trans-siberian express, be in europe in a week. shhh. you always talk too much. time has come to return the favor. one last time. tell you. what business. i'm actually in. see, my profession was cover, too. a notorious thief has access to colleagues, their plans. i've turned in. well, couple hundred. over forty years. scotland yard, interpol, fbi. thought i might retire. after you. well, the chips were returned. the machine was just a box, did you actually think it was real? well, the state department liked that one. they have more fish to fry with beijing than taiwan. so they're taking credit for letting it go through. tho i'm afraid your colonel may be in for a career disappointment. i haven't told them. i said you hadn't revealed the job. that it wouldn't take place until after the changeover. don't look, they're there. well. kept my options open. if i give you up, they don't matter, do they? had lots of crazy thoughts. one was retirement. with four billion dollars. after all, i know some places where life could be private. creature of habit. i suppose. keep smiling. they won't move, until i raise my left arm. i thought. well, i've got the cd. i could contact the banks, reverse all the transactions. except maybe. leave you with. oh, a hundred million, say. to tide you over. then, i thought, nah. not my style. i figured. what the hell? let her keep the lot. no rush. the doors won't close for 60 seconds. there's a pistol in the bag. reach in slowly. take it out fast. point it at my temple. you can do it. if i say you can. step onto the car, keep the pistol trained on my face. seems i was wrong. entrapment. is what robbers. do to cops, huh? twenty seconds. shoot me in the shoulder, it'll slow them down. come on, you can do it, if i sa. ten seconds, hold on. airport. changing at mongkok station, we can cut her off. she might lose the wig, be looking brunette or blonde, navy pants suit. I think you're wrong, but cover it. You got maybe four minutes.