wait! wait! wait! here, son. she tries to hand erik what looks unmistakably like a pillow. erik is dumbfounded. your father always made sure he could rest his head at night. erik is mortified. the others snigger, though not without some sympathy for erik. they've all been embarrassed by their mums at one time or another. it was your father's! erik will find it hard to refuse now. but he hesitates. it was the pillow he took with him. he said it once saved his life. erik reluctantly takes the precious object. his mother kisses him. everyone has fallen silent now. the relatives stand helpless on the shore as golden dragon starts to drift away from them. the vikings sit in their places, hands on the oars looking back at their loved ones. erik stands at the prow of golden dragon. for a moment he thinks he sees the girl he killed, standing, white in death, the spear-wound still fresh. erik raises his hand in a half-goodbye. we cut back to the loved ones, now the girl is no longer there. they too half-raise their hands. erik suddenly turns and gives a shout: