ah. erik. erik the "viking". it is not clear whether her words are not a little mocking. now what can you want with me, erik the "viking"? they will make fun of you for listening to an old woman's stories? erik doesn't reply. freya watches him craftily. young men are only interested in fighting and killing. erik looks up at her sharply. it is as if she has read his mind. what do you see, erik? i it night or day, erik? is it summer or winter, erik? erik looks round at the snowy wastes and ten back at freya, puzzled. have you ever seen the sun, erik? but have you ever seen it? think back. the sky was blue, erik. once. erik looks at her. the old stories tell of an age that would come such as this - when fenrir the wolf would swallow the sun, and a great winter would settle upon the world. it was to be an axe age, a sword age, a storm age, when brother would turn against brother, and men would fight each other until the world would finally be destroyed. erik looks out across the bleak and gloomy landscape and the black, boiling clouds in the sky. the gods are asleep, erik. erik. far out in the midst of the western ocean there is a land. men call it hy-brasil. there you will find a horn that is called resounding. you must take the horn resounding, and three times you must blow it. the first note will take you to asgaard. the second will awaken the gods, and the third note will bring you home. but remember. once you are in the spell of the horn, hatred will destroy you. erik turns to go and then hesitates. that i cannot tell you. cut to a big close-up of a head being banged on the ground. it is thorfinn skull-splitter's. the person doing the banging is an enraged sven the berserk. suddenly erik pushes his way through the crowd and separates them. there is general disgruntlement all round, and murmurs of: "who does he think he is?" once you are in the spell of the horn, hatred will destroy you. then it is aud once more. but in that split second loki has stabbed erik.