have you done this sort of thing before? looting and pillaging, eh? what about the raping? it's obvious you haven't raped anyone in your life. do you like women? erik is clearly shocked and stung by the insinuation. he stops. you don't love me. what - rape? oh, get it over with. what? what d'you expect? you come in here, burn my village, kill my family and try to rape me. this is too much for erik. we withers under the irony. about raping me? you don't like it, do you? what about the killing and looting? that's just as crude, isn't it? why? why have you got to go round killing and looting? but that's a circular argument! if the only reason for going on an expedition is the killing and looting and the only reason for the killing and looting is to pay for the next expedition, they cancel each other out. well you started it. and i was just saying that rape is no more pointless or crude than all the killing and looting that goes on. erik vents of his frustration on the already shattered door. ah. aaagh! rape! he raped me standing up. there is a pause. erik looks up at helga. why has she saved his face by telling this lie? jennifer the viking turns to erik. thanks for saving me from a fate worse than death. oh, that's all right then. it's the thought. that counts. erik cradles her head and tries helplessly to staunch the blood. i dunno. you looked so. so vulnerable. why. should you care? oh good! it's mr wonderful! erik leaps to her side. what a stupid idea. what's the point of being dead in the land of the living? have you tried to ask the god for anything? odin! one of the children, throwing pennies against the wall, looks round. he's busy. you'll have to wait till he's finished his game. why should you care?