hey! he hit my wife! ingemund starts to go for thorfinn, but thorhild beats him to it. she grabs one of the long-handled cooking griddles from the fires and swings it at thorfinn. thorfinn, however, ducks, and the red-hot griddle hits sven the berserk, who is standing with his back to thorfinn. sven screams and goes berserk, turning round and hitting thorfinn who is now standing upright again. leave him alone. ingemund hits sven. thangbrand hits ingemund and a general fight breaks out. erik's grandad clearly considers this the highlights of the evening, but erik looks at it in disgust and at his grandad in despair. eventually he gets up and walk out of the mead hall. his grandad notices and frowns. he knows something's wrong with his grandson but hasn't a clue what it could be. erik's mother frowns and nods to his grandad. grandad gets up and fights his way through the melee to follow erik out of the hall. the snow lies thick over the village as erik's grandfather joins his grandson beside the little quay. erik is staring broodily into the night. they must fight to the death. i'll fight someone. no, i ain't. cut to an adze striking timber. the viking's ship, golden dragon, is being repaired and fitted out for a journey. erik is there, directing operations. the camera tracks through all the activity and finally comes to rest on keitel blacksmith. he is a magnificent mountain of a man in an arnold schwarzeneggarish sort of way. he hammers a sword, and sparks fly, but his eyes keep returning to the preparations for the voyage. clearly something is worrying him. his assistant, loki, sidles up to him.