oh, go on.
uh oh! he leaps up and pukes over the side. mass puking breaks out all over the boat. keitel blacksmith looks around at his preoccupied shipmates, and it slowly dawns upon him that this might be the moment to try a little sabotage. he goes to the ship's lodestone, which is hanging from the mast. keitel glances around. no one is looking, but this sort of covert behaviour goes against his normally sunny and open disposition.
who are we fooling? it's hopeless! ivar flings down the helmet with which he's been bailing. the others look at each other. they are reconciled to the fact that they are going to drown.
i'm too young! oh odin! not me! please not me! perhaps i'd rather drown.
it's the dragon again!
p.  p. perhaps they've got weapons we haven't even dreamed of.  suddenly the girl stirs again in her sleep. the vikings retreat several paces and grip their weapons, and glance around as if expecting an ambush.
sort of wobbly and excited?
i always feel like this! suddenly halfdan's ship rises up out of the water , and revealing the secret of its hidden power. under the water-line is another line of oars! the vikings are dumbfounded. ivar drops trembling to his knees. the rest go white. thorfinn draws his sword. erik realizes his men are rapidly talking themselves into a blue funk.
i've done it!