you may need a real berserk. ohh! i wanted to sit next to leif. we can't keep this up! erik grins and then leans on the steering oar. golden dragon curves around to its left. then erik lays his hand on ivar's drum and silences it. i never though i should live to see the sun again. the dragon. harald gives a patronising smile. not now, sven. it's no good going berserk against a dragon! sven's dad slaps him around the face. there is another roar from the monster. erik turns to ivar. stop it! the dragon's eyes dilate and its jaws open. the men throw themselves to the deck as if expecting more fire. but instead the creature's fangs crash into the wood of the stern of golden dragon. shut up! hold it! hold it in! what do we have to do? the sun! that's it! ivar, meanwhile, is recovering from the amazement that has immobilized him. he taps erik on the shoulder. erik turns and he, too, gasps. sh! they restrain sven. it's magic. i've heard stories of a magic that strikes fear into the heart so you cannot fight. what "magic" have you brought, erik? do what? he hasn't. he's there! at this point halfdan's ship suddenly bites into the side of golden dragon. erik leaps onto the side of golden dragon and swings across onto halfdan's ship. the vikings react to the horror of halfdan's ship biting into golden dragon and to erik's blithe leap onto the enemy boat. erik lands on the deck of halfdan's ship, and grins at the ferocious skull-helmeted dog-soldiers. there! that's a true berserk. well, go on! go berserk! i got to keep my eye on him. sven's dad looks uneasy. he is surrounded and, as a seasoned campaigner, knows they haven't much chance. halfdan smiles to himself. the battle is going his way. thorfinn meanwhile is fighting two dog- soldiers but is attacked from behind by a third. what did he say? look! they look up as golden dragon sails around a corner of the street, piloted by aud. as the vikings scramble aboard, the sound of the "sing-song" reaches a particularly noisy and discordant climax attract their attention. back in what was the forum, a crowd of unconcerned-looking citizens is sitting on the last roof and just coming to the end of another appalling song. you're not using the right technique. sven's dad tries to take it over. helpless. keitel start to laugh. up there, you fathead. wait for me! i'll be dead soon anyway. he's just s cynic. at this moment there is a creak and the great doors mysteriously swing open. as if mesmerized, the vikings enter the halls of asgaard. the door slams behind them. they spin round, but the doors have vanished. no man has ever entered the halls of asgaard and left alive. erik slowly starts to cross the vast floor looking around him as he does so. one by one the other vikings follow. after a while erik stops. dad! i'll never forget him! the bastard! sven reacts. sven's dad starts to go berserk. he drove me mad! all his "you'll never be a berserk if you lose your temper". i hate you! i hate you! sven's dad collapses against sven and sven comforts him, understandingly. a figure emerges from the throng of dead. it is thorfinn. sven looks up at him. get lost!