i will join my grandfather there. you liar! they start trying to kill each other again, and crash through a fence into the pig-sty. pigs squeal and run in all directions. what are you talking about, erik? only the dead reach asgaard, erik. nobody's ever crossed the rainbow bridge to asgaard. but how? neither am i. well. i'm game. i know, dad. you went berserk. so did your father. but it's a responsibility. i must only let the red rage. i know! i've heard it all i thousand times! a sudden silence falls, as all the village turns to stare nervously at sven. he goes berserk and demolishes a nearby hut with his head. ulf the maddeningly calm shakes his head. i was sitting there. look, i bagged it last week. yes it does! we could be at sea for months. i don't want to have to sit next to snorri all that time. sven nods towards snorri the miserable - an eeyore of a viking if ever there were one. i am one, dad! it's not so bad when you're rowing. look out! as. unbelievably. a huge monstrous visage looms out of the mist. it is a creature from the nethermost depths of the ocean. and the incandescent globe is no more than a sprouting on the end of its nose! more fire shoots out from its nostrils and sends all the vikings diving for the deck. then the monstrous head disappears back into the mist as quickly as it came, taking its light with it. the vikings are paralysed with fear for one brief moment. we're being attacked! kill! kill! kill! i must kill! kill! kill! kill! death! death to dragons! red mist! he bangs his head against the monstrous denture. sven's dad looks heavenward in despair. cut to harald missionary who is offering his bible to the petrifies vikings in the prow. got you! keitel looks up in sven's eyes. he is totally at sven's mercy. what thoughts are going through his mind? how is he going to betray sven in future if he is rescued? guilt suddenly overwhelms him. what are you talking about? i've got you, keitel blacksmith. if you go. i go too. hang on. the boat begins to right itself just as erik finally can't hold on any more, and he plummets, straight into the ship, and through the bottom up to his waist. his legs dangle. at the same moment the prov of the boat tips and suddenly they are plummeting down towards the ocean. they hit the water with an almighty splash. erik is thrown clear of the hull by the force of the water now cascading up through the hole he has made. shut up. she hasn't got any. "friends"? we can make "friends" at home. this conversation has woken the girl, aud. hy-brasil? all the time? well, of course he is! but thorfinn doesn't know the meaning of fear. yes. i can feel it. i'm just building up to it, dad. sven starts banging his head on the side of the boat. give us a chance, dad! snorri appears from behind. look out! thorfinn! but it's too late. thorfinn is run through the back. sven goes berserk and kills all three dog-soldiers. sven's dad looks on, proud of his son for the first time. maybe their relationship will never be the same again. now snorri sees something that cheers him up. slaves are coming up from below to join the battle. they are armed with oars and swords. they join the fray, knocking dog-soldiers overboard with their oars. the dog-soldier are suddenly outnumbered. halfdan's smile fades, and he looks around for an escape route. the tide of battle has now turned dramatically as dog-soldier after dog-soldier is tossed over the side or laid low by the combination of vikings and slaves. halfdan and gisli slip into a lifeboat and sneak off. the rats are leaving the sinking ship. back on the deck, all the dog-soldiers are dead or overboard. the slaves and vikings are cheering and embracing each other. at the other end of the boat, sven is cradling the dying thorfinn in his arms. all around are jubilant slaves celebrating their freedom. thorfinn! you can't die! you'll see my grandfather in valhalla! tell him i'm coming! thorfinn dies. sven holds him and a tear comes down his face. the danger has made comrades of the two rivals. erik, however, is still fighting a last lone dog-soldier; but just as he is about to run him through the dog-soldier is stabbed in the back. he sinks to the floor, revealing another dog-soldier. erik is outraged by this act of treachery and turns on the assassin. you hit him! yeah. leave 'em alone. over the edge of the world. the other men look up at the horn resounding, and begin to feel a bit nervous. uh! here! give it to me! sven pushes erik aside. sven blow. he becomes redder and redder. but all he produces is a splutter. he gets a bit angry. thor's blood! sven's dad looks heavenwards. no! i'm doing it! they start to struggle. you're always telling me. telling me! erik tries to separate them. let me do something for myself for a change! suddenly aud comes forward. shut up! there is nothing we can do. i came to find my grandfather. there! it's real! it's solid! now do you believe us? he pats the wall of valhalla - the great hall. harald reaches out, but his hand goes right through the wall. easy, dad! dad! dad! grandfather! sven tries to reconcile his father and grandfather, but it's no use. he is sucked towards the pit. we're back! sven embraces his father and dances him around with joy.