yes, why? ah! the vikings scream and flatten themselves against the sides of the boat, as the "sun" suddenly lurches down on them out of the sky, revealing for the first time that it is not the sun at all but a strange monster with a long neck that disappears off into the mist and a glowing globe for a head, and huge chomping jaws. the vikings are, understandably, terrified. it's not the sun! it's not the sun! yeaaaah! the vikings wade ashore, enchanted by the paradise they see before them. all at once thorfinn spies something. he draws his sword and they all approach with caution to find that under a weeping willow tree lies the most beautiful girl. she is raven-haired, scantily dressed and fast asleep. the vikings approach her with trepidation, their swords and axes drawn. they glance around uneasily. eurrgh! er. n. no. oh. yes. the rainbow bridge. they all peer up at the ever-changing colours of the aurora borealis, hanging in the sky above them like organ-pipes. but something is happening. the lights begin to fade to reveal a magical city on a mountain. the vikings realize that this is journey's end. they have reached asgaard. the city of the gods. the vikings all catch their breaths and gaze in awe. odin? sh! help! aagh! the vikings clutch at the stone floor, their fingers trace blood as they try to cling on. but to no avail. the first are already toppling into the pit. noooh! ah! and the rest - including aud - soon follow. the mouth of the pit of hel, through which the vikings are now tumbling higgledy-piggledy, is a round white disc set in the unutterable blackness of the pit. however, as the vikings free-fall slowly towards camera, they are lit up by a faint, reddish glow from below. they are staring, wild-eyed and screaming as they fall. as they fall, erik manages to smash his axe into the side of the pit. thorfinn grabs his leg and holds onto sven's foot. leif clutches at sven's belt. sven's dad hangs onto sven's foot. ivar clutches thorfinn's foot. erik clutches ivar's leg and aud clutches erik's. they dangle like this for some seconds, and look fearfully beneath them. then they can see the infernal regions of flame and molten lava. somehow suggesting the face of a huge and sinister creature. no wonder they're scared out of their wits. meanwhile, odin and thor appear at the top of the pit and look down with mild amusement. thor casually points his hammer and a streak of lightning zaps erik's axe. it instantly glows red hot. erik screams. suddenly we hear a new sound - a long, high, sweet note.