in the interest of putting this whole thing to rest, pg&e is willing to offer the irvings 250,000 dollars for their home. in terms of land value out in hinkley, mr. masry, we feel it's a more than fair price. i understand they've had a bad run of luck, health-wise, and they have my sympathies. but that's not pg&e's fault. a million things could have caused those problems. poor diet, bad genes, irresponsible lifestyle. our offer is final and more than fair. 250,000 is all i'm authorized to offer. mr. masry, before you go off on some crusade, you might want to remember who it is you're dealing with here. pg&e is a 28- billion dollar corporation. hey, you know where i can get a cab? my plane leaves burbank in forty-five minutes. hey, excellent. thanks.