tony marvin. his dry cleaners. you want him? tequila. from your drug dealer friend. he's a low-life. speaking of which, that's your nine o'clock in there. erin brockovich. car accident. not her fault, she says. and she looks like such an honest girl, don't you think? right. lap-dancers are people too. i can't find him, tony. we'll have to call you back. yeah? it's those files you asked for. nothing you can't show up for with a stain. who? what's your sister look like? all of 'em? what's she doing here? what?? why? and dumb old me thought working hard and being loyal was the way to get ahead. david baum from pg&e is at reception. for god's sake, erin, i can see your panties. mr. sanchez, mr. webster, mr. buda, and ms. cooper, from pg&e are here. ed masry's office . sorry, he can't be interrupted. i said, he can't be interrupted.