well, hello to you, darlin'. just introducing myself to the neighbors. ooh, now, see, if i'da known there was a beautiful woman next door, i'da done this different. let's start over. my name's george. what's yours? now, don't be like that. tell you what. how about if i take you out on a date to apologize for my rudeness? come on. gimme your number, i'll call you up proper and ask you out and everything. i do. you got more than one? ten? you got a little girl? how the hell do you know your bank balance right off the top of your head like that? see, that impresses me. hey, neighbor, wanna beer? c'mon. i bought 'em for you, to make up for that night. now, why're you giving me such a hard time? i'm just trying to be a good neighbor. you need help with your kids? i could probably do that. why not? yeah, and whose fault is that? what, you got so many friends in this world, you don't have use for one more? that's for harley davidson. the best damn motorcycle ever made. night. great kids. how? i was serious before, you know. if you need someone to keep an eye on them -- after school or something -- i don't have a job now, so i'm around in the afternoons. i'm not a deadbeat. i work when i need to. i do construction, which pays real good. and i make it last by living cheap. are you this hard on everyone who tries to help you? then lemme remind you, the polite thing is to say, thank you, that's a real nice offer, i don't mind taking you up on it. cause i like kids. i like hanging out with them. i do. i like how they keep it all simple, you know? they don't get all complicated about life, like grown-ups do. a bicycle and an ice cream cone -- boom, done, they're happy. yup. usually working on my bike. no big deal. if it doesn't work out, you can send 'em back to the chicken fat lady. yeah, we'll just see about that, won't we? better safe than sorry. i'm gonna put a dead bolt on your front door, too. this isn't exactly the safest neighborhood in the world, you know. i guess we get what we pay for, huh? what do you mean? man, i hope not. you got enough damn problems. that's a sandwich. sure it is. here, i'll show you. most people think a sandwich's gotta have bread on the outside. not true. chicken is a perfectly good outside for a sandwich. see? fixing a leak under your sink. i'm gonna clean it up. relax, erin, i'll do it -- i'm not -- yeah -- you had a whole family of those things hanging out back there. don't worry about it, i'll get it later. hey, whoa -- relax -- it's a simple thing. everybody gets them. all we gotta do is call an exterminator. what? but you been working so hard -- you're not nothing, erin. you are someone. you're someone to me. you're someone real special to me. man. even your earlobes are beautiful. if it's any consolation, i love you. you can buy 'em all the toys you want, but come monday, when you split again, they're still gonna be pissed. one toy per kid is doing something nice. four is . something else. i'm just saying -- come on, erin. a job's supposed to pay your bills, not put you in danger. look, don't take this the wrong way, but don't you think you might be out of your league here? it doesn't have to be this complicated, erin. there's a lot of jobs out there. you mind telling me what that's supposed to mean? if you got a problem with me taking care of your kids instead of getting some job, just say so. cause i can get a job. i will. and you can start leaving the kids with the chicken fat lady again. would that make you happy? i know what they can sleep through, erin. i probably know it better than you. hello? what do you want, a joke? well, come to think of it, we did have a big event around here. beth started talking. yeah. we were sitting around at lunch and she pointed at a ball and said, "ball." i'd never seen that before -- someone's first word. pretty intense. i'm bored, and so are the kids. i'm just saying -- we have one night to ourselves, why do we have to spend it here? which one? maybe they didn't think you were coming. hey. fuck 'em, babe. who needs 'em, huh? see? all we need is each other. good thing there isn't a present there, huh? that mighta hurt. lock the door. we'll say hi later. lock it. she's not my wife. it wouldn't kill you to talk about something other than yourself and your own fucking job once in a while -- fuck you. just cause i don't spend all day trying to prove what hot shit i am -- bullshit, erin. bullshit. thinking. about this. it's a pair of earrings. i saw 'em in the mall one day, and i thought, damn, those would look good on those beautiful earlobes. so i bought 'em. and i said to myself, next time erin says something nice, does something nice, i'll surprise her with 'em. know how long ago that was? six months. in six months, you haven't said one nice thing to me. that's a long time. i know. but still. six months. i think you oughta either find a different job or a different boyfriend. cause there may be men who don't mind being the maid and getting nothing in return, but i'm sure as shit not one of 'em. yeah, you can. you could just quit. people do it all the time. more than you need me. maybe you didn't like who you were before, erin, but i did. that's who i fell in love with. i pretty much knew what your answer was gonna be. i'm looking for erin brockovich. they brought her in in an ambulance? meningitis? what the hell is meningitis? jesus. how does someone get meningitis? or lemme guess -- toxic waste? they can stay at my place till you go home. fine. i'll drop 'em off tomorrow afternoon. mm-hm. i'll drop 'em by tomorrow. hello? i don't do favors for you anymore. they up? how long's this whole thing gonna take? yeah, well -- good help is hard to find. think you could learn? you shouldn't be driving around, you know. you're sick. real early. we're just gonna take your car to get some breakfast. we'll just be a minute. get a little more sleep. c'mon, pal. leave that alone, we gotta go. promise you'll turn around if you get tired.