yes? is this a joke? did baxter put you up to this? he did, didn't he? baxter! oh. oh. of course! oh, gosh, of course -- well, look, there isn't a ton of information here, but from what there is, i'd say that these two people here -- what are their names? shanna and ashley? they've both got some immune system problem. can't say what from, whether it's viral or genetic or what, but something's wrong. and these guys -- donna and peter -- well, from what this stuff says, i'd say they both have some form of cancer. you did? well, if you're talking about contamination, you're getting out of my area of expertise. let me give you the name of a toxicologist friend of mine over at usc. i gotta say, erin -- first time i saw you, i did not peg you as the kind to go off and conduct her own epidemiological study.