what's in it for me? not anymore. i was called away on urgent business, snake. all right, so i made another deal. we have a little arrangement. anything happens to me, you're dead. i see your point. what's the favor? dream on, blue eye. wait a minute. all right. hold on. exactly what is this prototype? what does it do? so whoever has it runs the show. so what's the deal, gorgeous? why should we leave? i love l.a. where we gonna go? what's the payoff? i don't know, sounds thin to me. no, that sucks. how are we getting out? you always were a loser, plissken. makin' things up as you go along. that's why i cut out on you in cleveland. you're just a bum like the rest of us. my name is hershe hernandez, do you understand, cowboy? the wind's up. let's go. see you in hell, snake. snake. we need some kind of diversion. somebody get off! we're not gonna make it over the fuckin' mountain! can you land? my name is no longer carjack. will you please get that through your fucking head?