plissken braces himself as the cabin lurches, vibrates with the force. plissken is rocked with the impact. he guides the sub with hand controls. in front of him on a screen is a schematic diagram of the underwater landscape of the san fernando valley. plissken twists his hand throttle, pouring on the power to 90%. plissken glances at the gauge. his nuclear turbine readout: green, moving to yellow, into red. he pushes it up to 102%. plissken hangs on, as small jets of water spray into the cockpit through tiny cracks in the hull. plissken presses the hatch controls. the sub begins to slide backwards down toward the water. plissken struggles, then rips open the hatch, scrambles out. the sub slowly slips backwards, down into the water. as the rear exhaust tubes hit the surface, a blast of steam. plissken leaps out of the hatch. the sub sinks faster and faster. he scampers up the side, leaps for ground. and lands on the hillside, as the sub sinks into the sea, bubbling, churning, hissing.