so we finally got him.
perfect for the mission. nobody else can pull it off - not an army, not a man.
how you doin' plissken? you like the watch?
at 1030 hours wednesday, a group of government officials began a tour of the livermore defense lab. the president's daughter, utopia, was among them.
an hour later, she boarded air force 3 to washington.
at 1140 hours, she hijacked the plane. we scanned the videotape on vr. check it out.
somehow during the tour, she came into possession of a prototype transmitting device. we don't know how.
cuervo jones. shining path. peruvian terrorist. runs the biggest baddest gang in l.a.
shut up, plissken.
top secret. only on a need to know.
that's right, big shot. unless you do what we want you're not coming back.
that's the deal.
it's the president, for christ's sake!
well, enjoy it, war hero, cause you got 10 hours to live.
having second thoughts?
you don't understand. it's already in you.
the cigarette girl in new vegas was an undercover cop. she injected you with incentive toxin. right now it's swimming in your bloodstream. it'll start to take effect in 9 hours.
of course there's an anti-toxin. neutralizes the virus immediately upon injection. we'll give it to you, but you have to do us this little favor.
we're holographs.
i guess we have a deal. nice to be working with you, plissken.
tracer. utopia has a kidnap chip implanted in her arm. you can locate her with this.
l.a. is in a constant state of warfare. gangs fighting for the right to rule.
some areas have power - they're on line to san onofre.
only a handful of people are aware of its existence. let's just say it's the ultimate defensive weapon.
there's a war about to be declared, or didn't you know?
third world wants to live like we do - and they plan on taking what they want. the cubans and brazilians are ready to invade miami. if the africans and colombians make a run at the border, we got a full scale attack on the united states.
all you need to know is get it back here by 5 a.m.
you're going over by submarine. one-man submersible. nuclear powered.
cahuenga pass. make your way up through the mountains toward the hollywood bowl. you should be able to pick up utopia's tracer there. once you go inside, you're on your own. you know what you have to do with the girl, don't you? we have to spare this nation her trial - for treason.
let's just say it's what's best for the country.
a medical team will be standing by.
thought you might try that. first clip is filled with blanks. goodbye, plissken.
i'm here, plissken.
stand by for launch. ignitor. fuel rod injection.
lock fuel rods.
nuclear turbine to 75% power.
hands on switches and counting. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. launch.
plissken, watch your speed. lots of obstructions down there.
plissken.  do you copy?
plissken, slow down the sub. you're overloading the power plant.
where's the submarine? it's disappeared off our screens.
a sky full of enemy choppers on radar. moving over the city to the southeast.
getting ready to invade.
the prototype appears to be armed, mr. president. shall i begin evacuation?
well, yeah. all you have to do is push the button.
that may not be true, mr. president. he's one tough case. plissken's been dead so many times i can't count. but he never stays down.
there are two choices, mr. president. wait for plissken, or surrender. it's your decision.
boost it.
plissken - this is malloy. do you have the prototype?
battle stations.
hold it, plissken. now give us the real one.
it was all a fake, plissken.
c'mon, snake - it's l.a. everything's phony, you know that.
relax, war hero. we took you for a ride, and you came through. not bad for a dirtbag like you.
you didn't finish the mission, plissken. we'll have to do that for you.
you're gonna have to learn to respect the law, snake. the united states is a no- smoking nation. no smoking, no drinking, do drugs, no women unless you're married, no guns, no foul language. it's a brand new day for you, snake.