sits in an old beach chair on the sidewalk, a map to the stars sign in front of him. in his late 50's, he's a petty thief, con man. he's been hustling tourists and everybody else all his life. wow! snake plissken! you're a star in your own right, you know that? hey, i'm map to the stars eddie. how you doin'? man, i'd love to have your autograph, snake. i've been hearing about you ever since that new york deal back in the 90's. you're one smooth operator. could you sign one to wolf, one to death's head, one to slasher smith? who? you mean cuervo jones? he's the man with the juice, snake. got the president's daughter. setting up a citywide truce. big doings. cuervo's got a place near venice, where the big birds fly. nice digs, too. i've been there, y'know. nice little gizmo you got there. look, snake. i've got connections in this town. you need something, i'm your man. hey - you can't go there, snake. you can't walk through beverly hills. hop in, snake! hey, snake - that was great. they almost burned your ass off! too many people know where you're going, snake. that's not good. delgado and his men were back there waiting for you. cuervo jones' right-hand man. one tough hombre. you don't understand, snake. cuervo jones wants to unify the island. we're on the move, man. big time. no way. all right. anything for you, snake. although i was going to take you to cuervo jones' place. right over there. pretty neat, huh? this is cuervo's car. he lets me use it sometimes. not to worry, snake. you were just shot with a fun-gun. you feel it? pure mesh, man. 100-proof artery choker. like cuervo says, when the hit pulls you down to one inch from death, that is living, man. you should've talked to me first, snake. i could've set this whole thing up. i'm actually cuervo's agent, you know. and i'd love to represent you, too. we could make a bundle together. i know i could really help your career. i mean, you're a legend and all - but the last couple years, man, it's like you've fallen off the face of the earth. come on, cuervo. i delivered him, didn't i? all i'm asking for is what you promised. with his portable radio, trying to get out of the arena, hiding behind a crowd of dragons. plissken races through the crowd, grabs map to the stars eddie. hey, snake, man. great shot! oh, man. you didn't have to hit me, snake. i can help you. bankrupt city. the happy kingdom. snake, cuervo's hooked up with xi-ping. he is primetime, man - mister bad news. the rest of the city's joining up with 'em. you're shit outta luck, snake. i could've helped you. we coulda made a deal with cuervo. if you'd listen. good thinkin', snake. so long, snake. he jumped. down there. he's dead, cuervo. i did it. i killed plissken. you said i could be vice-president, cuervo. your right-hand man. sure, cuervo, but look here. i've done it all, man. i killed plissken, i got your girl back, i got it all. just for you, cuervo. just for you. cuervo, wait. please. sure, snake. no problem. you gonna kill me? i couldn't help it, snake. i had to shoot you. cuervo made me do it, i swear to god, man. right. keep goin' straight. two blocks down, turn right. hey, hershe. how're you doin'? yeah, hershe. i brought him to see you. and he's got the prototype. and the girl. he holds all the cards. you push the button, it sends a signal to a ring of space defense satellites. they're orbiting bombs. nukes. they explode. huge space burst. emp. electromagnetic pulse. it happens instantly when a nuke is airburst. emp shuts down every power source below the satellites - instantly. all electrical devices, computers, cars, airplanes, cities. it's the dark ages again. they were gonna use it on south america, africa, asia - any country hostile to the united states. and that ring of satellites will be in position over the u.s. at 5:00 a.m. this morning. i used to represent the guy who invented it. i swear to god, snake. no bullshit. me too? aw, come on, snake. i don't know about this thing. i got an idea, snake. this looks like the prototype, right? so maybe we can pull off a texas switch on cuervo. yeah. the place kept changing owners. finally went bankrupt. that thing in paris killed 'em. cuervo. hey, man, i made it! i made it! wait for me. hey cuervo. cuervo, wait! i got news. there's about to be an attack. you're about to get hit, cuervo. it's plissken. i thought he was, but he came back. oh cuervo. it's so good to see you again. he's. near. cuervo, look out behind you! i couldn't make the switch, snake. i don't have it. where's plissken? hey, cuervo. if you get to america - let's do lunch.