what're you doing in here? good. i want you out. this is my sewer. you're snake plissken. an honor, snake. amigo. they call me pendejo bob. those damn patients are coming back. you'd better climb aboard. i use the eye and the music to scare em off. they're so whacked out, man, it works great. chased a whole bunch of em right off the edge there a few months ago. don't know - never do hear em land. earthquake opened it up. i own this whole place. used to work here in the old days. i was right in this room when the big one hit. what a mess. we were waist high in shit. everybody else ran, but not me. i stayed at my post. now it's all mine. i brought my whole family, my amigos, down here to live with me. hey, it's a living, baby. y'know, l.a.'s not such a bad place, snake. we got our problems, sure - but this is paradise, man. say, you need anything, snake? guns? explosives? i can get you a crate of hellfire grenades, no problem - five hours. all the sewers are collapsed under venice. you have to go topside. right up there. comes out near the santa monica freeway. just follow the signs. get off at the lincoln exit, turn left. nice to meet you, snake. you too, miss. you're welcome down here anytime. anytime at all. hey, snake. you okay? i heard gunfire down here. never been down this far before. grab this. now hang on. hey, snake. where are you? stands silently above, listening. snake. snake!