too bad about your boat, man. supposed to be some swells out here tonight. big ones. you like to surf? you look kinda familiar. you hang out around here much? hey, man. i know who you are. you're snake plissken. man, i can't believe you're really here. kind of a bad neighborhood, snake. down that way. be careful. some real strange dudes hangin' out there these days. hey snake - what're you doin' around here, man? i heard they busted you up real good in cleveland. snake. saw you at the game tonight. great shot. you look like shit. you feel those pre-shocks, snake? could be a big one comin' any minute now. long gone. you'll never catch up with him now, snake. anaheim. headquarters for everything. the whole town's gonna be there. things changin' fast around here, snake. it's not the same as the old days, man. you ain't doin' so good, snake. you need help. you should talk to hershe. she hates cuervo. they used to be partners, but they split up. hershe. she lives downtown with mojo dellasandro in the big boat. down that way. she's connected with the black cowboys, and they don't take shit from nobody. yo', man. it's a big one. tsunami, snake. surf's up big time. get ready, snake. it's gonna be some kinda ride. let the front edge pick you up. don't get on your board till it peaks. don't lose it, man. you slip off your board and it's the big wipeout, you know what i mean? hang on, snake! yaaaaaaa!!!! awesome, snake. awesome, man!