he's been the force's most wanted man for 10 years. convicted of 27 moral crimes. i can tell you, the excitement around here is. here he comes! hold one! the door is opening! hello, plissken. welcome to l.a. s.d. bob plissken. special forces, black light, texas thunder. two purple hearts. youngest man ever decorated by the president. you've been convicted of 27 moral crimes, plissken. the murder of an internal revenue agent. the kidnapping of a bank president. gun fighting for profit. the list goes on and on. you used to respect the law. served your country like no man before you. role model to a generation. what happened to you, war hero? you were the best we had. the whole world's watching. every good and decent person who works and hard and follows the rules. what would say to them? what would you say to all of us who believed in you, who looked up to you, who thought you stood for right over wrong, good over evil? be my guest. what do you have to say, plissken?