hi, snake. it's so great to meet you. my name's taslima. i'm a fan of yours. a little bit. but pretty soon i'm gonna be dead. so are you, snake. i can't believe i got caught. i run with midnight jihad. iranian gang. only they kicked me out, cause i screw up sometimes. i forget stuff. i left my boyfriend's place tonight, took a wrong turn. oh, snake, i'm really kind of out of it sometimes. they live here, used to be like us. but after too many silicon implants, their muscles turned to jelly. the only way they survive is to have body parts transplanted over and over again. snake, nobody who comes into beverly hills gets out alive. oh no, it's the doctor. the surgeon general of beverly hills. snake, help me. i don't know. you need help. down this way. i just thought you wanted to get away. i didn't know you wanted to go someplace. be careful of the bald cats. they live in these buildings. sewers. come on. down there. snake - what is it? yes. isn't he cool? how far down does it go? gun runners. i don't know. somehow, i just can't leave. the freeway's over there. but, snake - i don't think it's such a good idea. the freeways are dangerous. goodbye, snake. sun's coming up in a few hours. uv's gonna be bad today. i have a friend who's got a place near here. we can crash there if you want, snake. i'd love to take care of you. make you feel good. i changed my mind. i'm going with you, wherever you're going. the freeway. it's where they live. i guess after everything happened, they just needed to do what they'd always done before. during the daytime, they just pull down the shades on their windows and sleep. what are you gonna do in venice? no! stay away, snake. he's mucho muerte. run, snake. they're coming. i don't know.