snake? you were late. swear to god, snake, i don't know -- why do you want to know? working for the man now, huh? mm-hm. maggie doesn't know exactly where he is and unless you know exactly precisely where he is you'll never find him. we've got to deal somewhere else. you're lying. i know him! look at his face, he's lying! all right!!! just one thing right now. don't call me "harold." yeah. make gas for him. figure out things for him. like how to get across the 69th street bridge -- it's mined, but i know where they're planted. we got a crew up there now clearing the way across the first barricade. he wants my diagram of the bridge. when he finds out i'm with you he's going to want my life! shit, plissken, i knew i shouldn't have listened to you -- forget it, he's on the other side of town and we got no wheels. the deal is off -- i think they saw us! turn left, turn left here! i know, i know, the duke'll take seventh avenue, broadway is five minutes -- yes!!! just keep driving! maggie! he'll be in the third car from the end, by the last campfire. it's all right. he's got to go in the front way. it'll take him five minutes. if you're not back to the car in four minutes you're on your own. hi, guys. hi . . . how's it going? cooled off a little, huh? duke told us to wait inside. he's on his way here now. well, you can't expect him to tell everybody in the joint, now can you? that's why he's the duke. why don't we wait inside for him? what are your specific orders, by the way? how's the president holding up, by the way? any political discussion you've had with him? they got him. now watch him. he had a gun on me, duke, there was nothing i could do. maggie . . . snake plissken, duke. the man sent him in here. something's going down . . . we need him. oh. it's at my place, duke. duke, that plissken said something about a time limit. on him. duke. don't kill plissken. we need him. i still can't figure out whether that son of a bitch plissken was telling the truth or not. god, i hate that guy. yeah, yeah, but how? you gotta land the glider and take off. you can't do it in central park, there's too many trees. port authority's too low to the ground. unless it was some. someplace high up. world trade center. that's it. there we go. the world trade center. and it's gonna be a hell of a lot easier for me to take off than it was for him to land. where'd you get the hat? yeah? for what? i'm here to see the president. the duke. well. i'll have to tell him you said that. he's got something hidden in his clothing. the duke wants it. i'll show you. cyanide capsules. the duke don't want a dead president. gentlemen. mr. president. yeah. he might try to take it tomorrow. goddamned redskins! they're savages, mr. president! listen, snake, i swear to god, i thought you were dead -- i'm the only one who knows how to read that, snake -- besides, you can't read and drive at the same time. you need us! i do. swear to god, snake, i know where it is. just take us to the car and i'll take you right to it. what's wrong? what?! hi, duke. and then there's three more. they come in groups of threes! tape. you traded away your hat for it! see, see! go for it, snake! i think there are three mines ahead, snake. stay left, stay left, stay left, and then jog right when i tell you. ok, ok, now! i said jog right!. you asshole. stay to the right, stay to the right, now jog left. hold it, left. left. left, dammit!