hey! you're snake plissken, ain't you? nothin'. i thought you were dead! hey! you don't want to walk around down there, snake! where you goin', buddy? bad neighborhood, snake! you don't want to be walking from the bowery to 42nd street at night! i've been driving a cab here for 30 years and i'm telling you, you don't walk around here at night! yes, sir! they'll kill you and strip you in ten seconds flat. usually i'm not down around here myself, but i wanted to catch that show. this stuff is like gold around here, you know. hey, snake, when'd you get in? i didn't even know they caught you. ohhh, snake plissken in my cab. wait'll i tell eddie! hey, hang on, snake. hey, what were you doing back there, snake? well, why didn't you ask me? hell, i know everybody in this town. yes, sir. i've been driving this cab for thirty years, this very same cab. the duke's got him! everyone knows the duke's got him! you don't have to put a gun to my head. i'll tell you! the duke! the duke of new york! a-number-1! the big man, that's who! you can't meet the duke, are you crazy? nobody wants to meet the duke! you meet him once and then you're dead! i hate to leave her on the street. usually i don't leave her alone at all. but you're a special case, snake. it's ok, snake. it's a better neighborhood. you can relax. boy, they got a great place here. like a fortress! it's me! cabbie! somebody wants to see brain, it's important -- no, it's snake! snake plissken! he wants to see brain. hey, what do you think of this place, snake? it used to be a public library. oh, that brain, he's the greatest! mr. fabulous! duke loves him. that's maggie. brain's squeeze. the duke gave him to brain just to keep him happy . . . see what i mean? brain? brain! i brought somebody to see you! isn't that great? hey, brain, i could use some gas if you can spare some . . . no kidding? on the level? will you take me, too? brain, you've got to tell him! tell him, tell him, tell him -- what a sight, snake! the whole camp rolling right across the bridge and the president right out front! oh, that would have been so fine . . . yeah, but we're going with snake now. that's the duke! i know the sound of his engines. don't cross the duke -- everybody knows that. what tape? oh, that tape! here it is! how'd you know? easy. easy! you've got to slow down a little, snake. you're pushing her too hard, snake.