where is it? who is it? you have the code? unlisted? it's the escape pod. i'm going in. 1-w-larry. over the battery. we're moving down. direct sight ahead. i'm ready to talk. what do you want? let's go. let's go! this is bob hauk. . we can't. if we move in with choppers, they'll kill him. we're lucky if he's not dead already. they don't want anything yet. by the time they figure out what they want, it'll be too late. we can't wait until tomorrow. if we have to move in and take the island, it's a last resort. it's 8:45. i want permission to try a rescue. thank you. all right. i know. i'll be ok. i'm not a fool, plissken. s.d. plissken. american lieutenant. special forces unit, black flight. two purple hearts, leningrad and siberia. youngest man to be decorated by the president. you robbed the federal reserve depository. life sentence, new york maximum security penitentiary. i'm ready to kick your ass out of the world, war hero. hauk. police commissioner. special forces unit. texas thunder. we heard of you, too, plissken. i have a deal for you. you'll receive full pardon for every criminal act committed in the united states. there was an accident about an hour ago. a small jet went down inside new york city. the president was on board. that's not funny, plissken. you go in, find the president and bring him out in 24 hours, and you're a free man. i'm making you an offer. straight just like i said. no time. give me an answer. we're still at war, plissken. we need him alive. is that your answer? think hard. you flew the gullfire over leningrad. you know how to get in quiet. you're all i've got. when you come out. i told you i wasn't a fool, plissken. tracer. sends a radio signal for fifteen minutes. you push it, we can track you on radar. just like leningrad. but they added something. a safety catch. top of the world trade center. only place you can land. they won't see it, and you can take off from a free fall. on the roof there's a service elevator. it's still operational. we use it to infiltrate the prison. there's a power box. it'll activate the elevator down to fifty. from there on down you walk. you can locate the president by his vital signs bracelet, on his wrist. it sends out a sig pulse. use this. homing device. shows directions and distance. strong antitoxin. stops bacteria and viral-proofs you for 24 hours. let's go, plissken. twenty-two hours, twenty-nine minutes, fifty-seven seconds. in twenty-two hours the hartford summit meeting will be over. china and the soviet union will go back home. the president was on his way to the summit when his plane went down. he has a briefcase attached to his wrist. the tape recording inside has to reach hartford in 22 hours. you know anything about nuclear fusion? it's about the survival of the human race, plissken. something you don't give a shit about. that's it, plissken. that idea you had about turning the gullfire around 180 degrees and flying off to canada. my idea, plissken. something we've been fooling around with. two microscopic capsules lodged in your arteries. they're already starting to dissolve. in twenty-two hours, the cores will completely dissolve. inside the cores are that heat-sensitive charge. not a large explosive. about the size of a pinhead. just big enough to -- open up both your arteries. i'd say you'd be dead in ten or fifteen seconds -- we'll burn out the charges if you have the president. no more hartford summit. and no more snake plissken. the gullfire's waiting. 21 hours. get them both back, plissken. remember, once inside you're on your own. no. are you picking up the target blip? how's your altitude? plissken? plissken? plissken, what are you doing? plissken? plissken? is the glider intact? you'll have to use the east stairwell. it'll take you a little while to get to ground level. call me when you get outside. i'm right here, plissken. 18 hours, plissken. plissken, if you get back in that glider i'll shoot you down. you climb out, i'll burn you off the wall. you understand that, plissken? we hold. this is my prison, i'll give the orders. just try. "amnesty for all prisoners in new york city in exchange for president. 69th street bridge tomorrow, 12 noon. no bullshit or he's dead." not here. warm up the choppers. we're moving in. plissken? get on the radio! keep them down! nobody move! i knew that son of a bitch was alive. the signal only lasts for 15 minutes. download the choppers. we're in a standby situation. only plissken knew there was a safety catch. now we'll give him a little more time, just to make sure. is it plissken? get a jeep with a winch over there fast. strombaerden! get over to station 19. they're coming across the bridge. the tape, plissken. you going to kill me now, snake? i've got another deal for you. i want you to think it over while you're resting. i want to give you a job. we'd make one hell of a team, snake.