plissken and the guards follow a winding stairway down to the main floor. ext. close up on sign -- "no talking. no smoking. follow the orange line." ext. close up on snake. he is not impressed. steadicam view of the hall, snake's p.o.v. guards, guards, more guards. who cares. hauk and rehme walk down the stairs. they turn toward us and walk into the air traffic room. dozens of men sit in front of radar transmission screens, wearing headsets and working. following hauk and rehme into the room: rehme and hauk watch a computer simulation of the plane. rehme watches monitors as hauk talks. rehme stands behind a desk, talking on the phone. hauk is in the foreground, looking pensive. hauk checks snake's life clock, "master life clock". 20:17:43. 42. 41. the master life clock shows the test confirmation. hauk waits at his microphone. snake's voice comes through the radio. the president's life signs all fail. hauk, rehme and the vice president wait. rehme runs up to hauk and the vice president.