can't you shoot off the lock? how about lifting the door off of the hinges? get me to the pod. god save me and watch over you all. are you from the outside? i can't! who are you? move fast? you're goddamned right i'll move fast. you. you are. the duke of new. new york. you're. a-number-one. you are. the duke of new york. you're a-number-one! they sawed it off. gone. i don't know where. come on, come on, we're wasting time! go, go! the tape from the briefcase! here, give me that tape! yeah, hey, number one! you're the duke! you're the duke! you're. the duke. you're a-number-one. yeah. oh, it's all right. i, uh. i want to thank you. anything you want. you just name it. yes? i want to thank them. this nation appreciates their sacrifice. look, uh, i'm on the air in. two and a half minutes? good evening. although i shall not be present at this historic summit meeting, i present this, in the hope that our great nations may learn to live in peace.