call me snake. who are you? bob hauk. why are we talking? president of what? twenty-four hours, huh? bullshit. i'll think about it. get a new president. i don't give a fuck about your war. or your president. i'm thinking about it. why me? i guess i go in one way or the other. doesn't mean shit to me. give me the paper. before. call me snake. where am i landing? i'll be ok. i don't like needles. we talked about twenty-four. what's on it? tell me what? what did you do to me, asshole? what if i'm a little late? when i get back i'm going to kill you. i'm ready. suppose he's dead, hauk. if i come back without him, you'll burn these things out? oh, you mean i can't count on you? good. right on course. it's been a while . . . playing with myself. i'm going in. i'm inside the world trade center on the 50th floor. just like leningrad, hauk. yeah, but taking off is for shit. i'll work it out. i'm at the plane. nobody else made it, hauk. wait a minute. i've got his pulse. right up ahead, moving northwest. what do you want? mr. president . . . where did you get it? hauk?! i don't know who you assholes are looking at, but it's not the president. all right, get your machine ready. i'm coming out. listen to me, hauk. the president is dead, you got that? somebody's had him for dinner! a little human compassion . . . no . . . keep your hand over it. what's going on out there? do you live here? a plane crashed seven hours ago. did you see it? shit. i'm an asshole. i am. looking for somebody. the president. somewhere. mm-hm. why? looking for somebody. i'm gonna ask you. now where's the president? who's the duke? i want to meet this duke. thanks. they? i want to meet the duke. who's that? harold helman. where you been, harold? it's been a long time. i'm glad you remember me. yeah. a man should remember his past. kansas city, four years ago. you ran out on me. you left me sitting there. we were buddies, harold. you, me, and fresno bob. you know what they did to bob? you want to see him sprayed all over that map, baby? where's the president?! don't fuck with me! i want him. then i'll just beat it out of your squeeze -- listen, i'll take you out of here. yeah. jet glider just a couple of blocks down the street. and all you gotta do is get me to him. no glider. never happen. see, i know something you and the duke don't know. we've only got so long before mr. president don't mean a whole lot. right, harold. i'm lying. so i might as well have some fun and keep looking by myself. talk to him, baby -- you always were smart, harold. so you work for this duke, huh? like what? what does he want? we've got to get to the president now, while he's busy. just calm down. what's wrong with broadway? come on sweetheart . . . hold on. when we get there, harold, you just keep talking. stop shaking. hauk sent me. we've got to move fast. quiet! yeah, you and everybody else. that's your car in the lobby? the keys! quick! quick! diagram of the bridge! hey, hey, hey -- stay out of my way, harold. you shouldn't have double-crossed me again, brain. come on, let's go -- the tape? shit. dead, harold. here, take these. where's the tape, brain? where is it? not just yet. keep moving. maggie. he's dead. come on. just a moment of your time. we did get you out. a lot of people died in the process. i just wondered how you felt about it. i'm too tired. maybe later. the name's plissken.