in 1988, the crime rate in the united states rises four hundred percent. the once-great city of new york becomes the one maximum-security prison for the entire country. a fifty-foot containment wall is erected along the new jersey shoreline, across the harlem river, and down along the brooklyn shoreline. it completely surrounds manhattan island. all bridges and waterways are mined. the united states police force, like an army, is encamped around the island. there are no guards inside the prison: only prisoners and the worlds they have made. the rules are simple. once you go in, you don't come out. attention. you are now entering the debarkation area. no talking. no smoking. the next scheduled departure to the prison is in two hours. you now have the option to terminate and be cremated on the premises. if you elect this option, notify the duty sergeant in your processing area. computer simulation tracking air force one.