it's dark. joel and clementine are in bed. the memory is already in the midst of being erased. clementine is talking in a monotonous, robotic manner. stan and mary lie on the floor, their stoned minds wandering after sex. stan suddenly perks up. he looks at the monitor. stan works on trying to get the signal back. his hair is combed and he's dressed neatly, looking professional but still stoned. mary is pacing nervously to and from the window, looking out into the night. she's dressed also, and she's wearing more make-up now. her hair is pulled up into some sort of style. suddenly she freezes at the window. mierzwiak looks up from the computer screen. stan is back at the controls. mierzwiak's at the door with mary. mierzwiak works the equipment. he has located a small area of light in the brain imaging and eradicates them. it's deathly silent as mierzwiak and stan work on completing the job. mierzwiak locates a light hidden very deep in the map of joel's brain. he targets it. the lights are off. joel sits on a chair near the window, writing in his journal. the streetlight illuminates the paper. naomi sleeps in the bed. joel and naomi are in bed having sex. there are certain sexual routines, habits, they have fallen back into almost immediately. she sticks her tongue in his ear in a way that's trying to be sexual but just feels embarrassing to him. they finish and lie there.