um, i liked you immediately. at the job interview. you seemed so. important and mature. and i loved that you were helping all these people. you didn't come on to me at all. i liked that. i was tongue-tied around you at first. i wanted you to think i was smart. you were so nice. i loved the way you smelled. i couldn't wait to come to work. i had these fantasies of us being married and having kids and just. . and so. then. when. that one day, when i thought you looked at me back. like. oh, howie, i can't do this? how can i do this? yeah, i know. oh, god. okay, well, i was so excited. remember you bought me that little wind-up frog? and you said. "this is for your desk. just a little token" i knew then. i knew something was going to happen. something wonderful.