yes? thanks, mary. you can bring her in. mary. order me a pastrami for after? thanks. ms. kruczynski, please come in. how are you today? well, why don't you tell me what's going on? do you mind if i turn this on? you guess he's your boyfriend? or you guess you're having a bad time with hm? i think i know. i think we can help. why don't you start by telling me about your relationship. everything you can think of. everything about him. everything about you. and we'll take it from there. ah, mr. barish. this is stan. he'll be in charge of your procedure tonight. we'll start with your most recent memories and go backwards -- there is an emotional core to each of our memories -- as we eradicate this core, it starts its degradation process -- by the time you wake up in the morning, all memories we've targeted will have withered and disappeared. like a dream upon waking. well, technically, the procedure itself is brain damage, but on a par with a night of heavy drinking. nothing you'll miss. yes, i suppose you are. so, let's get started -- if we want the procedure underway tonight, we have some work to do. we'll dispose of these mementos when we're done here. that way you won't be confused later by their unexplainable presence in your home. ah, your journal. this will be invaluable. i'm sorry you saw one of our notification cards. you never should have. we can help you through this. why don't you start now by telling me everything you can remember about your relationship with clementine. so we'll need you to go home and bring in everything you ever received from clementine and anything that might remind you of her. we can help you through this. why don't you start now by telling me everything you can remember about -- what? what do you mean? yes, but. i'm just something you're imagining. what can i do? i'm in your head, too. stan? what's going on? okay, what happened right before he disappeared? well, where was patrick? jesus. all right, what's the address. mary. what are you doing here? let's get to the bottom of this. shall we? odd. did you try going through c-gate? i'm going to do a spectrum search throughout his memory, see if anything comes up. okay, here it is. i don't know why it's off the map like that, but -- okay, we're back in. well, thank you, mary. yeah, probably a good idea. oh dear. we got him back. stan, i think i'm just going to have to get through this manually. we're running late. i'm getting the hang of it. i still understand it. but i'm finding him quickly enough. i'm hopeful there won't be too much peripheral eradication. that's fine, stan. how do you mean? oh. well, i'd love to hear some. is that nietzsche? it's a good quote, mary. i'm glad we both know it. alexander pope? it's no big deal. that's lovely. it's fine, mary. i'm happy to hear it. you're a wonderful girl, mary. i've got a wife, mary. kids. you know that. we can't do this. i want you to know it's not because i'm not interested. if that means anything. hollis! hollis! it didn't start out to be this. i came here to work. it's a one-time mistake. we. have a history. i'm sorry. you wanted the procedure. you wanted it done. to get past. i have to finish in there. it's almost morning. we'll talk later. thanks, stan. thanks. i don't know what i'm supposed say, mary. i want to do the right thing here. i have a family, mary. it was a mutual decision. i didn't make you. you thought it best. but, look, i take full responsibility. she should not have done this, stan. as mad as she was. as justifiably -- mary has stolen our files and is sending them back to people. this is why people must never be told. it's like waking a -- i know you don't like me much, stan, but please talk to mary. she of all people should know this is a dangerous thing she's doing.