boo. barely seen you all morning, kiddo. sorry. i just -- i know. anyway -- see you later, alligator. hey, if you're ordering lunch for mierzwiak, would you -- mr. barish. we use the articles you brought to create a map of clementine in your brain. tonight while you sleep we'll be able to trace the map and erase. very good. good. we're getting healthy read-outs. then check the connections. yeah, that looks better. thanks. december 15th, 2004. i met someone tonight. oh, christ: i don't know what to do. her name is clementine and she's amazing. so alive and spontaneous and passionate and sensitive. things with naomi and i have been stagnant for so long. it's an apartment. patrick, let's just get through this. we have a long night ahead of us. just wanted to let you know. she likes you okay. you can if you want. this one's history. moving on. patrick, we need to focus. she was unconscious, patrick. jesus, patrick! hey, you. you found us okay? we haven't checked. maybe if you stopped stealing their panties. that's a good one. it's a good one all right. it's a quote book. yup. yup. patrick, we're in the middle of -- go. yeah. you love him, don't you? i can handle it. he's pretty much on auto-pilot anyway. it's stopped. listen, it's not erasing. it's not erasing. he's off the screen. i don't know. he's not on the map. i don't know what to do! i don't know what to do! crap. crap. i don't know! i just said that! shit! no way. i can handle this. okay. hello, howard? you better go. she came to help, howard. i tried that already. yeah. of course. you get some sleep, howard. i'll take it from here. howard, they've disappeared again. i'll go out for a smoke. if no one minds. let me take you home. so, i've got to drop the van off. hey. i swear. once, maybe. it was here. at his car. i was coming back from a job and spotted you together. you seemed caught. i waved. you giggled. happy. happy with a secret. i never saw you together like that again. so i figured i was imagining things. i really like you, mary. you know that. you were in red. that red sweater with the little flowers, i think. you were leaning against his car. he looked a little like a kid. kind of goofy and wide-eyed. i'd never seen him look like that before. happy. you looked beautiful. you looked in love. i work here. i used to work here. stan. please just tell howard i'm here to clean out my desk. i don't know what you're talking about, howard. jesus. hi. can i. i brought some -- what's this? i know what it is. i don't know. i just -- there are a lot of really confused people showing up at the office. mary, people come to him voluntarily. the office is filled with people who want their memories re-erased. mary. please. this is hurting people.