i don't care who lay with whom or where or how, but the moaners, groaners and screamers ought to turn down their volume when others are trying to sleep or meditate. at the end of the endless game, there is friendship. goats are always testing you. they're like zen masters. they can tell instantly if you're faking your feelings. so they play games with you to keep you true. people should go to goats instead of psychiatrists. you were aware that we were feeding them, weren't you? we fed them brown rice and they stayed over a couple of extra days. then we decided to try something different. we mixed our brown rice with fishmeal -- whoopers love seafood, and fishmeal is cheap. then delores suggested another ingredient, and we think that's what did the trick. the way i see it, is that the peyote mellowed them out. made them less uptight. they were afraid of bad weather and humans. that's why they migrated and kept to themselves. but the peyote has enlightened them. it's taught them there is nothing to fear but fear itself. now they're digging life and letting the bad vibes slide on. don't worry, be happy. be here now.