i am the enlightened madame zoe. there is nothing about your past, present or future that your hands do not know, and there is nothing about your hands that madame zoe does not know. there is no hocus-pocus involved. i am a scientist, not a magician. i, madame zoe, chiromancer, lifelong student of the moldings and markings of the human hand. i, madame zoe, to whom no facet of your character or destiny is not readily revealed. i am prepared to. jesus fucking christ! you have a strong will. will power and determination are indicated by the first phalanx. the second phalanx indicates reason and logic. you obviously have both in large supply. what's your name, dearie? hmmm. i'd say that you have an intelligent, kindly, somewhat artistic nature. however, sissy, however, there is a heavy quality to the second phalanx- the phalanx of logic -- that indicates a capacity for foolish or clownish behavior, a refusal to accept responsibility or to take things seriously and bent to be disrespectful of those who do. your mama tells me that you're pretty well behaved and shy, but i'd watch out for signs of irrationality. all right? i guess the most important aspect of your thumbs is the, ahem, over all size. uh, what was it, do you know, that caused? do you study history in school? galileo, descartes, newton? lebinitz had very large thumbs; voltaire's were enormous, but, heh heh, just pickles compared with yours. crazy horse? you mean the indian? nobody that i've ever heard of ever troubled to study the paws of savages. well, i guess that about covers the three-fifty charge. beg your pardon? oh, i see. i see men in your life, honey. i also see women, lots of women. a husband, no doubt about it, though he is years away. there are children, too. five, maybe six, but the husband is not the father. they will inherit your characteristics.