time to play spam in the can. is that an offer? damn, dr. weir, don't scare us like that. coffee? coffee. hey, starck. you wanna dry my back? you can call him baby-bear, he loves that. i am your best friend. i am a lifesaver and a heartbreaker. i heard it. cancel our leave and send us out on some bullshit mission! laymen's terms. i can see why they sent you along. latin? who the fuck speaks latin? from what? skipper, do we get hazard pay for this? come on, skipper, i already put my shoes on. i'll be all over it. you still need the rope? i thought you were one a those spacemen with ice in ya veins. you just keep your nose clean, baby bear. clear the door. hey, baby bear, mama bear got a corpsicle for ya. baby bear, you copy? justin, do you copy? do you copy? shit! do not do that! where the fuck are you? justin? what's happening? 350 meters. 400 meters. i'm gone! hold on, baby bear. oh my god. justin, do you read me? justin. . baby bear, don't do this. don't do this. we have a man down. the containment, second containment. i told you. he was inside the core. it was like. nothing was there. and then justin appeared and the core. became metal. you weren't there. i saw it. i'm telling you, i saw it. i know what i saw and it wasn't a fucking "optical effect!" you been out there a long time. trying to break my record? what? shit, smith, you're going biblical on me. you're sucking too much nitrogen in your mix. we'll have to re-route through the port conduit to the apu. but justin. captain miller, we're ready to repressurize the clark. cross your fingers. we're still venting trace gasses, gimme twenty minutes to plug the hole. solid as a rock. hey, smith. smith, clear that airlock, man, i'm coming in. let me breathe, let me breathe. how? the bridge is gone. can you shut it down? i don't want to go where the last crew went. i'd rather be dead. and the gravity drive goes where no man has gone before. will it work? i'm gonna activate the emergency beacon. starck? what? it's over, hush now, it's over.