i apologize for the short notice, bill, but we've had something come up that requires your immediate attention. lyle? i wouldn't bring you here on a hoax. houston confirms the telemetry and i.d. codes. that ship was lost in deep space, seven years ago. if the titanic sailed into new york harbor, i'd find it more plausible. houston wants aerospace to send out a search and rescue team, investigate the source of the transmission. if it really is the event horizon, they'll attempt a salvage. we need you to prepare a detailed briefing on the ship's systems for the salvage crew. it's not that simple. lyle, play the recording for dr. weir. it's against my better judgement, but i'll run this by the man downstairs. you'll know my decision by the end of the day. don't thank me, bill. i'm not doing you any favors. you don't just dismiss bill weir. the man held oppenheimer's chair at princeton. if the event horizon had worked, he would have gone down in history as the greatest mind in physics since einstein. that doesn't mean a damn thing. they were looking for a scapegoat and weir fit the bill. but he's not responsible for what happened to the ship. what's on your mind? it's been two years since she died. he's over it. i want our best people on this. where's miller?