move in on thick quartz windows near the ship's nose: the bridge. a naked woman sits at the helm, her back to us. completely still. her skin is very pale. water pools around her chair. weir stands behind her. the crew assembled. the flight crew assembled. data flashes across the main monitors on the bridge. the ship begins to rock as it encounters atmosphere, a growing vibration. the turbulence subsides. the bridge crew stares at the massive craft. the only sound, the proximity warning. finally: smith keeps a tight hand on the controls. the crew stare out the viewport at the abandoned craft. the crew stares at the ship rushing past the viewport. a huge spherical structure looms eerily ahead. weir has taken over justin's station. he watches the pov monitors like a kid watching christmas. smith and starck keep tabs over his shoulder. weir peers eagerly at the monitors. weir looks at justin's pov screen: a grainy image of the first containment seal. weir peers at the monitors, trying to make out the red haze. weir stares at peters' monitor. peters' monitor shows the corpse's face, its mouth open in mute agony. weir gasps. the dead man's face leers from peters' monitor. they stare at justin's monitor. justin's monitor fills with static. weir, starck and smith continue to hold on tightly as the vibration builds. and builds. miller stands in his eva suit in the darkened bridge. he twists a manual valve. a moment later, mist flows from the vents into the bridge, filling it with atmosphere. miller watches the pressure rise on his suit gauge. miller sits at justin's engineering position. flips a series of switches. the bridge lights flicker, illuminate.