everything green on my boards, skipper. ballast. that means top-secret, cooper. seven years ago, the reactor blew. how do you know all this? so if the ship didn't blow up, what happened? yes, sir! i'd rather be on the rope and not need it than need it and not have it. now step aside, old man. not a chance, sir. we still have pressure. the radiation count's steady at 7 millirads an hour. i've reached another containment door. this thing's huge. i'm going in. uh, yeah coop, i'm still here. i'm in the second containment area. it's pitch black in here. there must have been a coolant leak. man, this shit is everywhere. i can't see a damn thing. the reactor's still hot. coolant level is on reserve, but still in the green. i got it. holy shit. i think i found something. almost done, i just gotta check one thing. did you hear it? it gets inside you. it shows you things. horrible things. can't describe it. there are no words. it won't stop, it goes on and on and on. the dark inside me. it's inside and it eats and eats until there's nothing left. from the other place. the other crew, they're there, they're waiting for me. they're waiting for you. i won't go back there. i won't. if you could see the things i've seen, you wouldn't try to stop me. you'd come with me. hey, mama-bear. what are doing? oh my god oh my god. you gotta open, you gotta stop it, please. skipper, you gotta help me. tell them to open the door. i don't want to die! but i can't. i gotta get out of here. skipper, please. okay. okay. oh god --