i don't like it either, but you know the rules: we get the call, we go. is the course locked in? justin? start the countdown. let's go. kill it. don't start with me, cooper. the clock is running, dr. weir. if you'll follow the rest of the crew, they'll show you to the gravity tanks. what's the hold up? i put in for a replacement for you but no one. i am sorry. but now we have to go to work. doctor weir, my crew is not going on your mission because we want to. we were pulled off a well deserved leave, to be sent out to the middle of nowhere, and no one's even told us why. until then, do what you're told and stay out of my way. five minutes. starck, why aren't you on the bridge? then what are you doing here? come on, people, let's go! and cooper. put some pants on. that's good to know. justin, you wanna stow that? okay, listen up. as you all know by now, we have an addition to our crew. dr. weir, this is: starck, navigation; smith, pilot, justin, ship's engineer -- this is cooper, what the hell do you do on this ship, anyway? he's a rescue technician. peters, medical technician. dj. and this is mission specialist dr. william weir. we all know where we're going. dr. weir is going to tell us why. everybody shut up! let the man speak. where has it been for the last seven years? what is that? what does it say? you're convinced the crew could still be alive? after seven years? you heard the tape, smith. we're looking for survivors. come around to three-three-four. make your approach vector negative fourteen degrees. bring us in tight. starck, get on the horn, see if anyone's listening. we're all on edge, smith. we're a long way out. what are you trying to say? "if god had intended man to fly, he would have given us wings?" i guess we're about to find out. keep us slow and steady. dr. weir! i think you want to see this. i noticed. starck, anybody home? where is it? starck. reverse thrusters full! put it through tacs. smith, you up for a flyby? do it. smith, use the arm and lock us onto that antennae cluster. starck, give me a read. find 'em, starck. radiation interference? okay. we do it the hard way. deck by deck, room by room. starck, deploy the umbilicus. i believe you're up for a walk, mr. justin. go get your bonnet on. dr. weir, i need you on the bridge. once the ship is secured, we'll bring you on board -- -- once we've secured the ship, that's the way it is! i need you to guide us from the comm station. this is where i need you. help us to do our job. you've had plenty eva, coop, it's justin's turn. stay on station. if anything happens. clear and open on my mark. three. two. one. mark. ice crystals everywhere. this place is a deep freeze. peters and i will search the forward decks. justin, take engineering. no hot-dogging, not on this one, alright? dr. weir, what's this? i can see that, what're they for? so where are they? starck, any luck with the bio-scan? peters is right, no one's here. easy, peters, we're okay, we're okay. let's finish the sweep. starck, you still showing those readings? keep your eyes open. negative. they're empty, dr. weir. moving forward. if we saw any crew, doctor, you'd know about it. i'm in medical. no casualties, it looks like this place has never been used. the blood came from somewhere, peters. what you got, peters? the science workstation has power, i'll see if i can find the crew from here. alive? justin, check the containment for radiation leaks. peters. how's the client? justin, finish your sweep. what the hell. oh shit! boarding party, sound off. peters, do you read me. . peters. peters, do you read me. justin? justin, sound off. justin! a burning man stands in medical. science, a human body wreathed in flame. the eyes are like sunspots. as the burning man moves, bones and black flesh poke through the fire. he raises one hand to point at miller in accusation. can anybody hear me. peters. you okay? coop, where are you. hold on, coop. smith, where the hell have you been?! do we have enough time for a weld? no one's dying on my watch, smith! what about the reserve tanks? dr. weir's right. get on board the event horizon. i'll meet you at the airlock. you heard me, smith. peters, are you with me? everybody okay? okay. let's find out how much time we just bought. no time. we need whatever's left in our suits to repair the clark. like it or not, this is the only oxygen for three billion kilometers. but you can breathe it. how much oh-two do we have? carbon dioxide? we can take the filters from the clark. what about the life readings you picked up? what's causing the readings? so where is the rest of the crew? we've been over every inch of this ship and all we've found is blood. dr. weir? any suggestions? what happened here? i'm here, smith, how's the clark? we don't have time, smith. in twenty hours we run out of air. how is he? dj, take samples from these stains, compare them to medical records, i want to know whose blood this is. okay, people, there's been a change in the mission. in less than eighteen hours, we will run out of breathable air. our primary objective is now survival. that means we focus on repairing the lewis and clark and salvaging whatever will buy us more time. our secondary objective is finding out what happened to this ship and its crew. two months from now, i fully intend to be standing in front of the good admiral giving my report, and i'd like to have more than my dick in my hands. peters, i want you to go through the ship's log, see if we can't find some answers. fine. starck, i want you to repeat the bio-scan. not acceptable. i want to know what's causing those readings. if the crew is dead, i want the bodies, i want the crew found. do it. dr. weir. one of my men is down. i want to know what happened to him. cooper! enough! dr. weir, justin may die. whatever happened to him could happen to all of us. hold on, what's this "gravitational distortion?" what could cause them? what's in the core? how much time do you need? we have seventeen hours and forty-two minutes. now: what is in the core? it's insane. if it worked. i want this room sealed. the second containment is off limits. your black hole damn near ripped my ship apart. it may have killed one of my men. no one goes near that thing. you have something, dr. weir? what about it? it's 2041. explanation? i wonder if they ever made it. what the hell is that? dr. weir? do it. we barely have enough power for life support as it is, if we can't stop the drain, we're not gonna make it. wait! the rest of you, stay here, i don't want anyone else going near that thing. no radiation. what's causing the drain? we don't get the power back, our air's gonna go bad. we just lost all power in here. dr. weir? goddammit, dj, it was not a hallucination! i saw a man, he was on fire. and then he disappeared. no. it was someone else. dr. weir, you were right there, you must have heard something, seen something. peters is right. its like something reaching into your mind. seeing your thoughts and making them real. smith, did you or cooper experience anything unusual? smith. that's enough! dj!! that's it, that's enough for one day, smith! i need you back on the clark, i need you calm, i need you using your head, you make a mistake out there, none of are getting home, you understand? get outside, go back to work. i'll join you shortly. we're a long way from home and we're in a bad place. let's not make it worse. if anyone has any constructive suggestions, now is the time. do it. i don't need sleep, dj. i need answers. what is it, starck? ". bio-readings of indeterminate origin," don't you have anything useful to tell me? go ahead. i don't need to hear this. to what? what are you saying? this ship is alive? we're hanging on by our fingernails and you're giving me bullshit stories. starck, do you know how crazy that sounds? it's impossible. if you knew it was impossible, then why'd you waste my time? what i want is to survive the next ten hours. i'm going outside to work on the clark. and starck. don't tell anyone what you just told me. we've got enough to worry about. that's a negative, starck. what's going on in there, starck? what? stay here! don't stop working! i'll get him. i'm on my way, starck. patch me through to him. justin. they can't do that justin, now listen carefully. you're not going to die! not today! i want you to do exactly as i say and i'm gonna get you out of there, alright? justin. i won't let you die. tuck yourself into a crouched position, shut your eyes as tight as you can! exhale everything you got, baby bear, we can't have any air in those lungs, blow it all out. we'll make it. peters. we need to know what happened to the crew. before it happens to us. thanks. is that your "expert opinion?" the only answer we've had out of you is "i don't know." i want to know what caused that noise. i want to know why one of my crew tried to throw himself out of the airlock. that's bullshit and you know it! you built this fucking ship and all i've heard from you is bullshit! you said this ship creates a gateway. to what? where did this ship go? where did you send it? where has it been for the past seven years? the "other place," what is that? that's exactly what we don't have, doctor. any change? of course not. justin just climbed into the airlock because he felt like it. just one of those things. i swore i'd never lose another man. i came close today. real close. it was on the goliath. there was this bosun, corrick, a young guy, a lot like justin. edmund corrick, from decatur, georgia. he got caught when the pressure doors sealed, one closed on his arm. severed it at the wrist. the pain of that must have been. he passed out and. i, i tried to go back for him, to save him, but i couldn't get to him in time. the fire. have you ever seen fire in zero-gravity? it's like a liquid, it slides over everything. it was like a wave breaking over him, a wave of fire. and then he was gone. i never told anyone until now. but this ship knew, dj. it knows about the goliath, it knows about corrick. it knows our secrets. it knows what we're afraid of. and now you're going to tell me it's carbon dioxide. what is it? go on. it's not a distress call. it's a warning. hear what? "save yourself. from hell." what are you saying, are you saying that this ship is possessed? on my way. alright, cooper. you got it, coop. back in business. we're leaving. ". to rescue the crew and salvage the ship." the crew is dead, dr. weir. this ship killed them. and now it's killing us. maybe you're right. but it's still my command, and i have leeway to abort when i feel there is an unacceptable threat to my crew. and i think there is. starck, download all the files from the event horizon's computers. coop, smith, finish moving the co2 scrubbers back onto the clark. it's done. we will take the lewis and clark to a safe distance and then launch tac missiles at the event horizon until i am satisfied that she has been destroyed. fuck this ship. watch me. starck, what the hell is going on? goddammit! starck, get those files and vacate. i want off this ship. just get your gear back onto the lewis and clark, doctor, or you'll find yourself looking for a ride home. weir? weir! all hands. dr. weir is missing. i want him found and restrained. thank you. now what? alright. prep the clark for launch. i'll find her. what is it, smith? smith, get out of there. one of the explosives is missing from the corridor. i think weir may have put it on the clark. get off the clark now and wait for me at the airlock. get out of there now! smith? smith! fuck! nooo! dj. the clark's gone. smith and cooper are dead. weir. he used one of the explosives from the corridor. dj, you read me? dj? dj, come in. peters. peters, are you there? starck, do you read me? starck? son of a bitch! oh my god. oh, god, dj, what do i. how do oh god. weir. hold on. get you outta these. your eyes. what are you talking about? what are you doing? if you miss me, you'll blow out the hull. you'll die too. give me your hand! your hand! the forward airlock. whatever was on that bridge wasn't weir. stay behind me. it's not over. it's just starting. weir activated the drive. he's sending us to the other place. we blow the corridor. use the foredecks as a lifeboat, separate it from the rest of the ship. we stay put. you prep the gravity couches. i'm going to manually arm those explosives. it worked for weir. prep the tanks. no. i'll be right back. close it behind me. just in case. we're armed. this fucker's ready to blow. repeat, we're armed. slow down, starck, i can't understand you, who was in the tank? who? who? he's dead. you're dead, i saw you die. then who the fuck are you? corrick. that's not true. shut up! shut up! you're not edmund corrick. what are you? you want me to believe you're the devil, well, i don't, that's bullshit! then what, what are you? tell me. no! you can't have them! not the devil. you're lying! starck. cooper. you can't have them. go to hell.