just loading the last of the co2 scrubbers. good for four months. no, no, its alright. i talked to my ex, he'll keep denny over christmas and i'll get him this summer. goddam it, skipper. i haven't seen him in two months. first time in a grav couch? don't worry about it. he's hard, but he's fair. you're lucky to be shipping out with him. he's one of the few captains in the service with experience in the outer reach. he served on the goliath. they attempted to rescue a supply shuttle bound for titan. the shuttle's oh-two tanks ruptured during the rescue, flooded both ships with pure oxygen. there was a spark and both ships were incinerated. the skipper and three others just made it to a lifeboat. captain miller was able. you'll be fine. you'll wake up and we'll be there. watch your fingers. dj! it's okay. you're okay. just breathe. want to play horsey, do you. how can we salvage? it doesn't sound like anything human. opening inner airlock door. we've got pressure. jesus its huge. here's another one. they're all over the place. that means they didn't abandon ship. there's no one in the corridor but us. i don't know, this place is really dark, i can't see a thing. i can see the hatch. we found the gravity couches. dr. weir, what's this the door to? i found something. blood. looks like arterial spray. there's no one here. there's no one here, skipper. come on. okay. i'm on the bridge. everything's been shut down. conserving power, i guess. green light on the hull, it's intact. i see it. it's stuck. it's really jammed in there. i found one. frozen. crystallized. denny. skipper. yeah. i'm -- i'm okay. i'm ahead of you. bringing the thermal units on line. hold tight and prep for gees. what happened to him? i can use the station in medical, keep an eye on justin. justin? nothing. it's nothing. captain miller, dr. weir? i found the final log entry. the speaker is the mission commander. i can run the image through a series of filters, try to clean it up. what's happening? i did. about an hour ago. in medical. i saw my son. he was lying on one of the examination tables and his legs were. i've seen bodies before. this is different. justin? justin! you didn't hear it? you must have heard it! oh. nothing. stop it! stop it! justin. justin, no! can you shut it down? justin! open the door! open the door! the door, justin! open the door! yes. yes, justin, we heard it. do you know what it was? what, justin, what shows you? what does? "the dark inside"? i don't understand. justin, look at me. look at me. open this door. come on, baby-bear, open this door. nooo! starck! we have to do something, oh god. oh god. justin. i've got a pulse, he's alive. 90 over 50 and falling. . his peritoneum has ruptured. i'll get back to the log. but on the bridge, i won't go back, back in there. you got any coffee? i don't care. starck. sweet jesus. miller. miller! co2 scrubbers for the clark. miller pulled the plug on the mission. last one. denny? smith. ducks her head and enters the access duct. denny? denny? denny, come to mommy. hold on, denny, mommy's coming. denny? denny? you can walk. denny, you can walk. oh, my baby. denny.