i can't believe this, i haven't gotten more than my hand in six weeks and now this shit. why not mars, cap, mars has women. locked and cocked. 30 hours to neptune orbit. let the dead rest, man. you can't do that. hey. what the hell is that? jesus. heading three-three-four. one-four degrees. we have a lock on the event horizon's navigation beacon. it's in the upper ionosphere, we're in for some chop. matching speed. now. range to target ten thousand meters and closing. skipper, i got a bad feeling about this. that's not it. that ship was built to go faster than light. that's just wrong, it goes against everything we know. something like that, yeah. yes, sir. dead ahead, 5000 meters. we've got some weather. range 3000 meters and closing. 1500 meters. we're getting too close. 1000 meters. proximity warning! 900, 800 meters, 700. we're right on top of it, we're gonna hit! jesus, that is one big ugly fat fucker. range 500 meters and holding. turbulence is dropping off. love to. shit, doc, any closer and we're gonna need a rubber. it is now. we're locked in. explosive decompression. what the hell is that? something's wrong. get them back -- the safety circuit's failed! captain miller. we have a situation here. we lost the starboard baffle and the hull cracked. our safety seals didn't close, the circuit's fried -- we don't have time to fart. we're losing pressure at 280 liters a second and our oxygen tanks are cracked. in three minutes, our atmosphere will be gone. we are fucking dead. they're gone. what? i don't think this is a good idea, we don't even know what happened on that ship. but. captain miller, you copy? i've found a six inch fracture in the outer hull. we should be able to repair it and re-pressurize, it's gonna take some time. understood. i'd rather spend the next twelve hours outside than another five minutes in this can. this ship is bad. it watches you. you heard me. this ship, it's crazy: trying to go faster'n light, that's like the tower of babel. you know what happened to the tower of babel, don't you? it fell down. i didn't see anything and i don't have to see anything. this ship is fucked. hey! you don't need to be a scientist figure it out. you break all the laws of physics, you think there won't be a price? you already killed the first crew. he's fucking lying, you know something! sir. what about the accumulator? it's holding. she's holding! what's going on, sweethearts? about goddam time. let's go, let's go, this place freaks me out. captain, we got a problem. she was right behind me, i turn around, she's gone. she could be anywhere. roger that. dr. weir! hey, get your ass back on board! dr. weir! skipper, come in. skipper. i just saw weir, i think he was messing around on the clark. come again, skipper? no, no, we just got her back together. where is it, where is it. i gotcha. i gotcha. i gotcha.