smith's right. neptune? there's nothing out there. if something happens, we'll be on our own. we're past the outer marker, we can engage the ion drive whenever you're ready. ion drive will engage in. t-minus ten minutes. it is not. maybe when you finish puberty. i just finished drying. all boards are green, everything's five by five. that's impossible! she was lost with all hands, what, seven. the law of relativity prohibits faster- than-light travel. how? a straight line. no one. it's a dead language. crossing the horizon. optimum approach angle is fourteen degrees. this is u.s. aerospace command vessel lewis and clark, hailing event horizon, event horizon, do you read? this is the lewis and clark, hailing. if they are, they're screening their calls. the scope is lit, it's right in front of us. it should be right there. my god. picking up magnetic interference. look at the size of that thing. the reactor's still hot. we've got several small radiation sources, leaks probably. nothing serious. affirmative. the hull's intact. but there's no gravity and the thermal units are off line. i'm showing deep cold. the crew couldn't survive unless they were in stasis. something's wrong with the bio-scan. there's not enough radiation to throw off the scan. i'm picking up trace life forms, but i can't get a lock on the location. if they were in stasis, i'd get a location, but these readings, they're all over the ship. it doesn't make any sense. i'm running diagnostics now, skipper. nothing's wrong with the sensor pack, i'm still getting trace life readings, all over the ship. not according to the computer. that's an affirmative. what is it? what happened to his eyes? decompression wouldn't do that. you okay? justin, hold on a sec, you're breaking up. justin? justin, come in. i don't know. the life readings just went off the scale. miller, do you read me, peters -- i'm trying, goddammit -- i don't know, the screens are dead! here comes another one! hold on! we lost the starboard baffle! the hull's been breached! there are pressure suits in the airlock. go! what if the air has gone bad? we can't wear these suits forever. we're all here. it tastes bad. the antennae array's completely fried, we've got no radio, no laser, no highgain. no one's going to be coming to help us. oxygen is not the problem. it's building up with every breath we take. and the co2 filters on the event horizon are shot. i thought of that, with the filters from the clark, we've got enough breathable air for twenty hours. after that, we'd better be on our way home. the event horizon sensors show the same thing: "bio-readings of indeterminate origin." right before that wave hit the clark, there was some kind of surge, right off the scale, but now it's back to its previous levels. i don't know, but whatever it is, it's not the crew. what's the point? i'll just get the same thing. i can reconfigure the scan for c-12, amylase proteins. i can't believe we built this. why dr. weir, i think you're in love. claire is your wife? it must be hard, being so far away from her. i'm sorry. maybe a power interruption crashed the system. what the hell. skipper, the bio-scan just went off the scale. maybe one of the original crew? who? miller. i ran the bio-scan with the dna. rna filter. the results were bio-readings of indeterminate origin. i've got a theory. there was a another surge in the bio- readings right before you. you saw what you saw. we picked up a similar readings right before the clarke was damaged. what if there were a connection between the two? the gravity waves, the hallucination, all part of an defensive reaction, like an immune system. you've got to listen. i didn't say that, i said the bio- readings correspond to what happened to you, the ship is reacting to us. it's not bullshit, it's the only conclusion the data supports. i know that. i thought you wanted an answer. and that's the only one i have. nine hours and twenty-two minutes. heard what? what are you doing? no! in our current environment, dr. weir, self-control is an asset. what is it? miller, smith, cooper, any of you in the airlock? miller, come in. justin's in the airlock. he's awake, he's in the airlock, he's not wearing a suit. he's engaged the override. i'll try. dj, you better get your bag of tricks. you better hurry. he's engaged the override, we can't open the inner door. keep him talking. i don't think she can talk him down. we need a sedative. almost got it. i can't! the inner door can't open once the outer door has been triggered, it would decompress the entire ship! skipper, justin just activated the door. it's on a thirty second delay. five seconds. co2 levels will reach toxic levels in four hours. justin said something about, "the dark inside me" what did he mean? on the bridge. you said "it" wanted you. it's cold. miller, come in . we just lost main power again. don't leave me! please. help, help me. weir can't be alive. cooper! you're okay now, it's over. we've got to shut it down, we've got to. there must be a way! what about engineering? i don't know the process, dr. weir was the expert. blow it up? i'll do it -- don't be long. hurry. cooper! run! miller, he's back, he was in the tank. you have to get back here now, he's out there now, if he finds you. weir. miller.