i miss you. this is weir. you wanted to see me, admiral? incredible. these are the same coordinates before the ship disappeared. this, this happened? this isn't some kind of hoax? it's the event horizon. she's come back. a written briefing can't possibly anticipate the variables on a mission like this. i have to go with them. i designed the ship's propulsion system. i am the only person capable of evaluating the performance of the gravity drive. you can't send a search and rescue team out there alone and expect them to succeed. that would be like. like sending an auto- mechanic to work on the shuttle. this is not about my reputation! this is not about me at all! the event horizon was created for one reason: to go faster than light. imagine mankind exploring new solar systems, colonizing new worlds. seven years ago, we didn't just lose the ship and the crew. we lost the dream. i have to go. the crew? could they still be alive? someone sent that message. admiral, you have to put me on that ship. thank you. captain miller, i just want to say. captain miller, i appreciate this opportunity. i've been authorized to brief you and the crew once we reach neptune space. yes. he's been past mars? wasn't that ship destroyed? i've seen the effect on mice. claire? claire? i'm sorry. claire? claire. i'm alright now. i'm alright. what? no, thank you. what i am about to tell you is considered code-black by the nsa. the usac intercepted a radio transmission from a decaying orbit around neptune. the source has been identified as the event horizon. what was made public about the event horizon, that she was a deep space research vessel, that its reactor went critical, that the ship blew up. none of that is true. the event horizon was the culmination of a secret government project to create a spacecraft capable of faster- than-light flight. relativity, yes. we can't break the law of relativity, but we can go around it. the ship doesn't really move faster than the speed of light; it creates a dimensional gateway that allows the ship to instantaneously "jump" from one point in the universe to another, light years away. well, in layman's terms, you use a rotating magnetic field to focus a narrow beam of gravitons; these in turn fold space-time consistent with weyl tensor dynamics until the space- time curvature becomes infinitely large and you have a singularity. say this paper represents space-time, and you want to get from "point a" here. . to "point b," here. now: what's the shortest distance between two points? wrong. the shortest distance between two points. is zero. that's what the singularity does: it folds space, so that point a and point b coexist in the same space and time. after the ship passes through this gateway, space returns to normal. it's called a gravity drive. i built it. it was the ship's maiden voyage, to test the drive. the event horizon moved to safe distance using ion thrusters. they received the go-ahead to activate the gravity drive. and the ship vanished from all our scopes. no radar contact, no enhanced optical, no radio contact of any kind. they disappeared without a trace. until now. that's what we're here to find out. we haven't been able to confirm any live contact, but tdrss did receive a single transmission from the event horizon. houston has passed the recording through several filters and isolated what appears to be a human voice. nsa encryption specialists have deciphered some of the message. there: ". liberatis me" they haven't been able to translate the rest, it's too distorted. the event horizon only had life support for eighteen months. it seems impossible, but in light of the transmission. i have to think that someone has managed to endure until now. where is she? i can't see anything. she's not ugly. foredecks. crew quarters, bridge, medical and science labs, hydroponics, what have you. that central section connects the forward decks to the engineering containment area. can we move in closer? that's the engineering containment. and there's the main airlock. we can dock there. be careful. it's not a load bearing structure. do they have pressure? could it be the crew? if they were in suspended animation, wouldn't that effect the scan? captain, i didn't come out here to sit on your bridge, i need to be on that ship. that is not acceptable -- very well. you've reached the outer airlock door. you're in the central corridor. it connects the personnel areas to engineering. they're explosive charges. in an emergency, the charges detonate in series, destroying the central section and separating the personnel areas from the rest of the ship. that way, if the gravity drive malfunctions, the crew could use the foredecks as a lifeboat. captain miller, the foredecks are just ahead. any survivors? no one? you've reached the first containment seal. the engineering decks are on the other side. background radiation. perfectly safe. you're at the bridge, ms. peters. you still haven't seen any crew? yes, we can see some kind of mist. what is that? can you see a body? ms. peters, turn back and to your left, please. ship's log. that's the second containment seal. beyond that, engineering. that's the core: the gravity drive. the heart of the ship. what is it? we're losing atmosphere. the event horizon. it still has air and reserve power, we can activate gravity and life support. it beats dying, mister smith. yes. no, he didn't. saw what, mr. cooper? what did you really see, because what you're describing is not physically possible. i don't know what happened to justin. what you saw could have been an optical effect caused by gravitational distortion. it's possible that a burst of gravity waves escaped from the core, distorting space-time. they could be what hit the lewis and clark. it's complicated. a black hole. that's how the gravity drive works, you see: it focuses the black hole's immense gravitational power to create the gateway. that's how the event horizon travels faster than light. "insane?" the finest astronauts fought to be posted to this ship. it would take the lewis and clark a thousand years to reach our closest star. the event horizon could be there in a day. if it worked, yes. there's no danger. the black hole is contained behind three magnetic fields, it's under control. hmmm. claire used to tell me i loved the event horizon more than i loved her. i told her that wasn't true, i just knew the event horizon better, that's all. yes. yes. i miss her. she died. two years now. these things happen. wait a minute, that's not right. the date. the event horizon's computer think's it's 2034. exactly. the ship's internal clock is off by seven years. no, there's no evidence of a surge or spike of any kind. it's as if time just. stopped for seven years. intense gravitational fields effect the passage of time, it's possible. black holes make sense on paper, it's all math, you see, but as to what really happened. the event horizon has passed beyond our plane of reality, and like lazarus, returned from the dead. john kilpack. i don't know. the core! the magnetic fields are holding. maybe a short in the fail-safe circuit. i'll check it out. check the core for radiation. carbon dioxide may be the least of our worries. e-three. e-five. e-seven. where are you. there you are. um. captain miller? i, uh, i seem to have a problem with my light. captain miller? claire? no. i saw nothing. isn't it possible that you were traumatized by finding the body on the bridge? thank you for that scientific analysis, mister smith. carbon dioxide. i think i can stabilize the fields around the singularity, that should prevent another power drain. it wants me. i have to go. i'm alright. please. the forward airlock. it means nothing. justin just tried to kill himself. the man is clearly insane. what? i said that? i don't remember saying that. maybe i'm insane, too. thermal changes in the hull could have caused the metal to expand and contract very suddenly, causing reverberations -- what do you want me to say? yes. i don't know. i don't know. i don't know! i don't know. there's a lot of things going on here that i don't understand. truth takes time. you can't, your orders are specific. you're insane. you've lost your mind. don't. don't do this. what about my ship? you. you can't do that! you can't kill her, i won't let you! i lost her once, i will not lose her again! you can't leave. she won't let you. i am home. i won't. i won't leave. this is my ship. oh no. peters? why did you do that? you didn't have to do that. i told you. she won't let you leave. i don't need them anymore. where we're going, we won't need eyes to see. do you know what a singularity is, miller? does your mind truly fathom what a black hole is? it is nothing. absolute and eternal nothing. and if god is everything, then i have seen the devil. it's a liberating experience. what makes you think i'll miss? weir is dead. your fear. do you remember the goliath, miller? you know. i'm not the devil. better if i just show you. i'm not the devil. i'm much, much older. i watched the beginning and i will see the end. i am the dark behind the stars. i am the dark inside you all. there is no devil. there is no god. there is only. nothing. i'm not asking you to believe me. you'll see for yourself. and so will your crew. you're all coming with me. they are mine. and so are you. nooo!