i'll tell ya in a second. now we're still on seventy-five just past the county border. which would put us. which would put us. right. right. here! turn! damn it scott, what the hell was that? you trying to kill us? i can't understand it. i just had this thing in for a tune-up. and i just had 'em tune up the whole thing yesterday. might not be too bad. actually, it might be very nice. -which is exactly why they don't know. i'll tell you who i am gonna call. the guys that fixed up this car. hey, i think this is where we get off. i. i sent 'em a check for the tune-up. but i'm just not paying for it. what're you drawing cheryl? is it a bible? i got it right here. i knew you'd like it. you better get washed up. i'll see ya in there. i'd like to make a toast for all here this evening. as a greek friend of mine once said, "nis-hat-nis-fert- dis-ruben-tu-tar-im." what is this? hey scott, see any- thing? hey scott!. scott! linda, get me a flashlight. then get that lantern. scott? ahhhhhhh! what the hell are you doing down here, jerkin' off? how come you didn't answer me? just now, i mean upstairs. oh well, did you find anything? what's this? shhh, listen to this. this is the tape i found downstairs. scott, leave her alone will ya? scott, you knew not to play it, i mean. i mean you knew it was upset- ting her. you just don't know when you're carrying something too far. no. it's not scott. scotty's okay. it's just that ever since we came up here, things have been a little too tense. all these crazy things going on. and look at that window- we're gonna have to pay for that window now. i hope so. what'ya say we stay up for a while and listen to the storm. stealing from the blind eh? it's for you. i was going to give it to you before we left, but things got so hectic, this is the first chance i've had. do you like it? cheryl what's wrong with you? did something in the woods do this to you? cheryl, there's nothing out there. trees do not attack people. right now? sure, sure i'll drive you into town. but if you'll just listen to what you're saying, you- okay- if you don't want to stay, i can't make you. truly amazing linda. how do you do it linda? oh my god, shelly, get scott in here! hurry! yeah. we've still got a few hours before morning. i don't know. no. no. no. uh. scott. what is uh. what are we gonna do? you. can't bury shelly. she's a friend of ours isn't she? -or if it's even still in tact. i will. do you have everything? listen. scotty. i'm sorry about falling apart like that when- you're a good man. it's me linda. you did baby? yeah. fine. yeah, sure. she's sleeping that's all. get some rest. uh. uh scotty you're gonna be okay. you're gonna be just fine- you'll see. you'll see. we're not gonna die! we're not gonna die! we're not gonna die! we're getting out of here! now listen to me- is there a way around the chasm. scotty. scott! scott, is there some way around the chasm? scott, listen to me please, for god's sake. is there a way around the chasm? shut up! god forgive me linda. i won't, i won't- i promise. cheryl? cheryl? you bastards! why are you doing this? why? oh. linda. scott, i can't. i- i know it's bad. but i can't be alone now, i can't. i'd lose my mind. you'll get better- you'll see. yeah, tomorrow, soon, you'll be better and we'll both get out of here tomorrow. no, that was only with shelly. you had to with shelly. you- linda loves me. you're delirious- i. i'll get you some water. now, now the sun will be up in an hour or so and we'll get out of here . together. you, me, linda, shelly- n-no not shelly, she- we'll all go home together. wouldn't you like to be going home? you'd like that i'd bet, wouldn't ya? scott. linda. stay back. linda please, if you can still hear me. keep away. oh. the door. more shells. where did i see that box of shells? c'mon, c'mon, get it over with, why are you torturing me like this? Linda.