you mean nobody's seen this place yet? i can't believe that we're renting a place for a week-end that nobody's seen. you know, mom and dad would never let us go up to a place like this if they knew- the woods come awfully close to the house don't they? it's just a little claustrophobic that's all. good, i don't like cellars. probably just some garbage down there anyways. well, what's down there? i. i don't know. no, no it's no bible. i don't know what it is. yes, very close. will you stop it? i don't like cellars, let's close it up. it's probably just some animal. scotty, i'm not going down there! i just don't want to hear any more that's all. shut it off. shut it off. shut it offffff! is anybody out there? i know someone's out there. i heard you. i heard you in the cellar. help, help, let me in. open the door! ashly! linda! open up! please, someone please! help me, help meeeee! it. it tried to kill me. i, i heard a noise and. and i ran and the trees. the trees! no, no, no. the woods themselves- the trees- they're alive. they're alive. -i'm not lying down! i'm not staying here. we're leaving this place, we're leaving this place right now! ashly, will you drive me into town or not? i don't care how it sounds. i want to leave this minute. you can bring back my things when you go. i'll stay some place in town tonight. it's not gonna start. i know it's not gonna start. it's not gonna let us leave. why are you slowing down? what is this? no, no, no, no, no. it's not going to let us leave, it's not going to let us go. it's not gonna let us gooooo! uh-uh. okay. queen of spades. four of hearts. eight of spades. two of spades- jack of diamonds- jack of clubs- why have you disturbed our sleep, awakened us from our ancient slum- ber? you will die. like the others before you. we will take you one by one. all of you ha-ha-ha-ha-ha- you lied to her. you lied to linda. shelly's not sleeping. she's dead. don't you know the difference? you killed her. you and scott cut her up with the axe. she's dead ha-ha-ha-ha- ha-ha- ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha- soon all of you will be like me and then who will lock you in the cellar? ha-ha-ha-ha-ha- i don't want to die. so lonely to die like this. you're not gonna leave me are you? are you ash? ha-ha-ha-ha-ha- ashly? ashly, help me. let me out of here. i'm all right now. i'm all right now, ashly. i'm all right. come unlock this chain and let me out. ash, what are you doing? this is your sister cheryl. don't you recognize me?