thas' right. but you ain't goin' there. lady, i ain't never seen nothin' like it. hey! i just remembered. yeah, that's right. there is a trail. you could follow bobby joe and me. but, it'll cost ya. forty fi. hundred bucks. sure! jesus h. christ! i thought she was talkin' 'bout them two goddamn little pieces! you gonna be alright, honey? you just sit still fer a minute. you know this son of a bitch? we'll throw him in there. crazy buck's gone blood simple. damn right, you flat mouthed son of a bitch. it's a trick. i know it. now bobby, you ain't in no condition. that's funny. that trail we came in here on. well, it just ain't there no more. like the woods jus' swallowed it. what the hell is it? hell no, you're the curious one. holy mother o'mercy. i ain't got your hand, baby. hey. bobby joe's gone! where the hell is she? we gotta go out there and find her! i'm runnin' the show now. we're goin' outside into those woods to look for bobby joe, an' once we find her, we're gettin' the hell outta here. you two comin' with me. i ain't goin' out there alone. those pages don't mean shit. 'sides. now you ain't got no, choice. now move! move you son of a bitch! bobby joe! bobby joe, where are you girl? bobby joe! bobby joe! shaddup! bobby joe! get the axe. kill it. kill it.