legend has it, that it was written by the dark ones: necronomicon ex mortes; roughly translated. the book of the dead. to trace the origin of the book, we must go back. back. to a day when spirits ruled the earth. when the seas ran red with blood. it was this blood that was used to ink the book. the book of the dead was last seen in 1300 a.d. it was then that the dark spirits again rose up to battle the living. it is said that a hero came from the sky. a man who defeated this evi and buried the book in the castle of kandar. and there it lay for 700 years. waiting. and then. professor raymond knowby and his wife, henrietta, brought the book to a small cabin where they could study it undisturbed. it was one week later that a group of college students came to the cabin. it was in the cabin's cellar that they found the professor's tape recorder, and the book of the dead. one by one, they fell to the possession of the dark spirits. one man, ash, destroyed the book. but the evil that had been resurrected from it, lives on.