ash, where are we? jesus christ, just tell us already will ya? yes? don't yell at me, it's your lousy steering wheel. the damn thing jerked right out of my hand. well, then take it back 'cause the damn thing don't work. only thing that works on the whole car is the lousy horn. aw, go to hell, i'm not waving at ya! jesus christ. aw, eat shit and die will ya? well, the guy that's renting it says it's an old place, little run down, but it's right up in the mountains- totally secluded. best part is, we get it so cheap. i don't know, might be in real bad shape. not yet. jesus christ, not this again. these mountains seem familiar. yeah, more like adventure. shelly's sweater. so what's wrong with the woods, they can't bite ya. it's supposed to be one of these on here. hey, this place has a dungeon. put these back will you? they nailed it shut. cheryl, they don't nail garbage in cellars. i mean it's not going to try and get out or anything. well, could be any number of things. old baseball cards, mushrooms, dead bodies- dead bodies in the cellar, dead bodies in the cellar. will you relax, i'm just kidding around. she can take a joke- i'll get ya. i'll get ya for this cheryl. party down! what the hell. whatever it is, it's still down there. an animal?! an an. ha-ha-ha-ha-ha- that's the stupidest thing i ever heard in my life. jesus christ. yeah, probably right. it's probably just some animal. uh. cheryl, why don't you make sure. okay, okay you cowards, i'll go. look, i'll be all right. virgin queen?! ha-ha-ha-ha-ha- when? i didn't hear you. uh-uh. jeez, i'd hate to find out what they used for pens. hey, what'd you do that for? it was just getting good. cheryl's scared, cheryl's scared. jesus christ. she's acting like a baby- it's no big deal. c'mon. big deal, it's just a joke, shit. you'd think she's three years old or something. what the hell happ- what are you- wait a minute, i'm sure as hell not going anywhere. what happened to her? she'll be okay ash, she just took a bad bump. you have to. we all have to. then, once it's light out, we'll try to find a way to get around that chasm. everything's gonna be all right. is to get some rest. ash and i can stay up with cheryl. everything's gonna be okay. come morning- you'll see. shelly, are you okay? keep an eye on cheryl for a minute. shelly? shelly? ahhhhhhh! hit her! hit it! yeah. bury her. ash, she's dead. shelly's dead. we're gonna bury her now. i saw an old hiking trail when we were driving up here. now i don't know if it goes all the way around that gorge- or if it's even still in tact. but uh, i guess i'll find out. take good care of linda. yeah- all set. don't bother, really. if i find a way out of here, i'll mark it and then come back. then if i'm not back here in a few hours. if for some reason. well, if i don't come back, grab linda, leg and all, and just get her the hell out of here. good, i'm the best. ash, i think i'm dying. jesus, i can't feel my legs. it's, it's not gonna let us leave. cheryl. cheryl was right. we're all gonna die here. all gonna die. all of us. jesus ash. i don't want to die. so. so lonely to die like this. you're not gonna leave me are you? are you ash? ash, i'm scared- i. i can't feel my legs. there is. one way, the trail. but the trees, they know. don't you see- they're alive!! they're ali-ahhhhhhh! ash, ash, please. i don't want to die- but. but i can't stand this pain. it hurts ash. gimme something. gimme something to put me out. please ash, please. there is no tomorrow! you- you've got to kill her and cut- cut her up- your sister too.