my name is julian knowby. i am a pro- fessor of ancient egyptian mythology in dextin university's ancient history department. i am recording this entry from a small cabin in the south- ern mountains of tennessee. here, i am staying with my wife for a few weeks so that i may continue my research un- disturbed. since may, a group of assoc- iate professors and myself have been excavating the ruins of ca'n dar. i believe i have made an important find in that area, and thus the reason for this log. with it, i can keep an ac- curate record of translations from my latest find; the first of six, the others still lost, volumes of ancient sumarian burial practices and rites. basically, it is a book of do's and don'ts dealing with the deceased en- titled "naturan demanto" roughly trans- lated "book of the dead." it is bound in human flesh, and inked with blood of the deceased. this particular volume deals with demons and demon resurrect- ion. these are of the katardi family, meaning those forces believed to inhab- it the jungles and woods of man's do- main. the first few pages that i have translated warn that these demons are dangerous, everpresent, and exist primarily through this book. as legend has it, only the sacred high priests of the ca'n dar tribe could posess these books, for they alone could properly control the resurrected de- mons. it is only through the act of reciting the resurrection passage that these demons would be able to posess the living. for many years, it was thought that this legend- tantir-ah-mis-trobeen-ha-zar-ta tantir-man-ov-mis-hazen-sober. kanda! kanda! kanda! march 12th. suzanne came after me and almost murdered me. my own wife. at first i thought it was a mental or physical disorder because of what had happened to her eyes, but i was only fooling myself. i knew what it was. three days have passed since that thing has been down there. i was hop- ing to weaken it without food or water. nothing worked. finally, in desperation i dragged her out to the shed and dismembered her so that what- ever it was could not get up again. this is when i saw the dark figures moving about in the woods. i should have never tampered with the "book of the dead." i now know that what- ever it is i have resurrected through this book, is coming for me.